• Why when I log into buddypress.org am I automatically taken to my profile instead of either staying on the page I’m already viewing or taken to the front page? How can I change this?
>> I don’t know of a way because this is up to the theme designer and bp.org theme is set this way. The default theme is not.
• I have tried multiple time to upload an Avatar here at bp.org and always get this error msg.
“There was an error handling that image, please try again.”
>> Yes. This is a pita. I use images *not* square and this works.
• I have stated I’m a wp/bp noob, my previous sites were forum or cms sites using phpbb3 or SMF, or joomla, so I am super frustrated with bp forums no bbcode, no preview, no easy way to add categories or subcategories? Here at bp.org how do I quote someone, or post an image , or post a link?
>> Again, bbpress installation on bp.org is default. On your own installation you can add plugins to a “my-plugins” directory under wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums/bbpress
>> A better solution on your own installation is to install the buddypress plugins for the forums (such as Forum Attachments for BuddyPress).
I decided to try to post with an inline image and it worked.
Example for this site:

• How do I know if plugins will work with the latest version of BP if the plug-in show (Requires: 2.9.1 BP 1.2)?
>> Hopefully you have a test environment and are not trying to change things on a live site. Otherwise, have backups and try the plugin. If it fails then there is a process to go through to remove the plugin.
The best part of the buddypress.org site is the support given by other people using the product.