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What syntaxhighlighter do you use with buddypress 1.6.1 ?

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  • shanebp


    Which editor do you use?

    I use notepad++ in which you can over-ride the php highlighting with a user-defined one.

    edit: sorry, I misread the op entirely.



    I’m on a BP install and i want to use syntax highlighting in the forum post.
    I already know and use Notepad++
    And as explained previous i use syntaxhighlighter evolved witch output you can see if you go to link above.



    @chouf1 I use Syntax HIghlighter Evolved as well and it’s working well in my BP 1.6.1 installation. I think it is a plugin conflict with other BuddyPress-component-dependent plugins which I see are in your installation but not in my install – e.g. the group documents plugin and the buddy-bbpress support topic plugin – which you should deactivate to see if issue is corrected.



    Thank you @mercime, but i already tested your advice with only BP and SH activated. I also deactivated my functions.php and i have the same problem.
    Can you give me a link to an example on your site, to see how it looks on your config.
    Perhaps it has to do with some server config.



    @chouf1 site is private, but I took a screenshot of the group forum topic I made for you as well as the screenshot of the config settings. I post code usually e.g.
    [ sourcecode lang=”css” ] the code [ /sourcecode ]
    or [ php ] the code [ /php ]
    P.S. had to put the spacings between brackets or else it won’t show up here.



    @mercime Thank you for the screenshots. But I still use the same settings and shorcodes.
    I observe that your example is on a bbPress page. My forums are on BP integrated bbPress skills (default install).
    In the past mounth with other html outputs on forum posts, i still observed that bbPress filters and BP filters conflict sometimes.
    I tested also the plugin on another BP 1.6.1 site and got the same wrong output of HTML
    Surprisingly, after inserting mixed code (html+php) with the plugin activated, all html is filterd and gives &gt, &lt and so on. After deactivating the plugin, the whole code shows correctly, without the plugin styles effect, but all is appearing and correctly.
    As soon as i edit the post and register it again, all html is stripped and only the php parts remain.

    So i guess that bbPress (as standalone plugin) filters HTML correctly before and after DB insertion, but not BP.



    – I am using a child theme of bp-default theme, a port of apeatling’s design of BP 1.0 BuddyPress theme
    – Also that IS screenshot of the BuddyPress Group Forums new topic page. You can see the Group Name and Group Admins above the forum topic :-)

    But going back to the syntax highlighter, I do see the issue now if I post HTML/PHP code just like yours instead of CSS which I posted above and used lately. I was able to find a work-around by using `[ sourcecode lang=”title” ] the code [ /sourcecode ]` (just remove the spaces before ahd after the brackets) Result:



    Some progress in debuging…
    When i insert
    [ sourcecode language=” php ” ][ /sourcecode ]
    and open the post for editing, i get [ sourcecode language=”””” ][ /sourcecode ]
    The word php disappeared and the place is double quoted !

    Then i save these changes and the code cames up, but without colored synthax.
    This is a first step on the right way. Colors are missing but code is showing correctly at 90%
    Single quotes became curly for ex.

    Probably backpress kses filtering.

    I tried to deactivate BP’s filters bp_get_the_topic_post_content wptexturize and bp_get_the_topic_post_content bp_forums_filter_kses, but this changed nothing.

    I posted on the support forum, but it seems still for a long time ago. ;-)



    @mercime, it seems that the word «php» is censored somehow :mrgreen:

    Tag [ code language= ” php ” ] bla bla [ / code ]
    Word php is stripped. In the DB i see this [ code language=” ” ” ” ]



    @chouf1 thank you for following up with this.

    The language «html» is not working for me now as well. I just checked an old post. And when I click on Edit Topic link, I get [ sourcecode language=””html”” ] … double quotation marks.

    But [ javascript ] [ /javascript ] is working



    doesn’t work for me. The javascript tag is closed immediatly after
    I insert and save [ javascript ] the code[ /javascript ]
    When i edit the post i have
    [ javascript ] [ /javascript ] here the code[ /javascript ]



    Also do this be related in a ticket ?



    @chouf1 will you do the honors of creating the ticket for this issue?



    @mercime, ok thanks! But “honor” is too much :-) i opened a ticket witch probably would be considered as “not important” yet…. There are other more important tasks to do first ;-)



    Merci @chouf1 🙂




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