All fields for registration
Thirst of all: “Congratulation and thank you very much for Buddypress!” I love it so much!
But I’m wondering wheater there is the possibillity, that buddypress asks for all fields at the registration? At the moment only the first section of fields will get ask.
Or is there a hack? Is it possible to change it?
I still have the fields from the first Version and there are field I need.
It would be nice, if you could help me!
Thanks a lot!
you have to make all fields from a single group, the first one… if your fields are in other groups and try to move them, no chance, so maybe the best thing is to make a feature suggestion to be able to move fields between groups.
i had that problem just today, and i’m searching right now for a solution as right now i have no idea where these fields are stored.. lol
Each field group has an ID value. You can modify the registration.php file to include additional groups by repeating the following and changing “1” to “2”:
<?php if ( function_exists( ‘bp_has_profile’ ) ) : if ( bp_has_profile( ‘profile_group_id=1’ ) ) : while ( bp_profile_groups() ) : bp_the_profile_group(); ?>
<?php if ( function_exists( ‘bp_has_profile’ ) ) : if ( bp_has_profile( ‘profile_group_id=2’ ) ) : while ( bp_profile_groups() ) : bp_the_profile_group(); ?>
hi Phillip
Yes yo can.
By default your registration page will show only the fields from first profile field group.
You can change it.
You will have to edit registration/register.php
Look for the code
bp_has_profile( 'profile_group_id=1' )
and replace it with
bp_has_profile( )
Now your register page will show all the fields.
But stop,This is not enough,you need to aggregate all the field ids and put it as hidden field.
So Take a look at the the line
<input type="hidden" name="signup_profile_field_ids" id="signup_profile_field_ids" value="<?php bp_the_profile_group_field_ids() ?>" />
remove it from the profile loop.Now create some code inside the profile loop,aggregate all profile ids and then
put this code outside the profile group loop,
where I ssume you have aggregated all profile fields in the variable $all_pf_fields.
<input type="hidden" name="signup_profile_field_ids" id="signup_profile_field_ids" value="<?php echo $all_pf_fields;?>" />
Please note,all $all_pf_fields should be the comma separated list of all profile ids(say 1,2,3,)
This will make it work,and your registration page will show all profile groups fields
Hi and thanks al lot for you answers!
So it’s not enoght to change the code like this:
<?php if ( function_exists( ‘bp_has_profile’ ) ) : if ( bp_has_profile( ‘profile_group_id=2’ ) ) : while ( bp_profile_groups() ) : bp_the_profile_group(); ?>
Shall I write:
<input type=”hidden” name=”signup_profile_field_ids” id=”signup_profile_field_ids” value=”<?php echo $all_pf_fields;?>” />
<input type=”hidden” name=”signup_profile_field_ids” id=”signup_profile_field_ids” value=”1,2,3,4,5″ />
I’m very sorry, but I didn’t get what you mean with the Profileloop. It would be so glad if you could write what to change or to ad excactly…
Thanks a lot!
curious if you found a solution, bump :o)
ok,since it involves some codes and showing the diff of two files,which will be difficult to do here.I am going to put a blog post and will link here.
Hey Brajesh!
Are there some news about the blog post you wanted to write. Since now, I didn’t changed the code… I’m affraid to do something wrong.
hi Philipp
sorry, Missed it , will be adding the post tomorrow and drop here a link. Thanks for the message and pointing here. Do you want to see that with bp 1.2 or bp 1.1.3
Hey Brajesh!
Wow! Thanks a lot. At the moment I’m using BP 1.1.3 but I go to update after the release. And I think, that there are more people who are interested in this topic…
So – maybe both?
Thanks a lot!
ok… Since I begun to work with BP 1.2. An manual for it would be so nice!
I really need all the fields for the registration…
By the way, the problem will get solved for BP 1.3!
Please help me!
@philippmuenchen and @sbrajesh.
Thanks for your discussion. Did you ever figure this out?
I’m trying to show all groups and make sure that all required fields get filled. I tried your solution and yes, it shows all fields but it allows user to create account without filling out all required fields.
Thanks for the response in advance.
ok, so it seems that “tomorrow” never happened
Anyone who found a solution?
here’s my workaround for this problem
as no buddypress gurus EVER botherd to give a feedback on this, and left everyone here in the dark for more than 1 year
i did not get the post notifications and I was not active here, so could not help you. sorry for that
Yes, I have the solution. I am posting a detailed tutorial today. Will link here.
btw, the above code still applies.still not resolved
If there is a guide on this issue can someone post it
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