Yeah, I think it’s been like that for quite some time.
Ugh. I really need to use the API if I’m going to use buddypress, but without docs I may have bail on it 
Is it still a problem for you. I was just able to connect no problem. When this happened to me before it was just the main page, but sub pages would open. Try this page: or and then use the breadcrumb navigation. At least that’s what I had to do before.
@caplain – You’re right, the codex search isn’t working for me either. I’ve added this to the bug list, and will have a closer look when the Ninjas project kicks into high gear.
Oh dang, I skipped right over the word search. That’s what I get for reading fast.
any word on when this will be fixed? I am building my first install of buddypress and not being able to access the codex is really frustrating. Thank god I did all of my wordpress customization before getting to buddypress or I would have given up on the entire system.
You might like adding “” to refine your search in Google.