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BuddyPress Geo plugin

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  • @jamesyeah


    This plugin did not work for me and many others, there was an error in 1.0.3 that stops you from selecting the name fields when setting up the plugin, It seemed to only effect certain people so may be worth a try. I will have to wait until the next version though.




    I would appreciate some help.

    I have installed buddypress geo but i cannot run the indexing process as the link in the admin page for the geo plugin does nothing – can someone please help?





    I’m actually having the same issue as shaisimchi. I’ve been playing around with it, but haven’t found the solution. I only had some test users, so I tried deleting those and re-creating users. No dice. Any input would be great. Thanks!

    @jamesyeah: I’m pretty sure the fields just need to be instantiated. I’m using a location field from the base group. It took me a while to figure out, but all I had to do was go into edit profile, add data to the field I wanted to use for the location, and select save. Then, that field will show up in the admin drop-down. (If you look at the PHP code, it checks that there is a value for that field. That’s how I figured out what I needed to do.)

    Hope that makes sense. May not even be what you were talking about! : )



    I hate to be harsh, but this plugin is un-intuitive and without instructions or explanation.

    For instance, you are supposed to select the “which field represents the users location” Well, given there is a field for address, city, state and zip possible….what do you choose? Most Geo plugins use a mash-up of the complete address to search for an accurate location of the user.

    The plugin has signs of promise but questions remain. …like what’s up with the “Sponsored by Automattic” ??



    I do not have a problem selecting the fields – that works fine once this thing is installed correctly. the problem is that it will not find anything if the users are not indexed.

    there is an option of clicking “here” from the admin page of this plugin but when i click on it nothing happens. that is my issues.

    would love to hear if anyone got it to work.



    @shaisimchi So given the field issue I described in my last post, which ones do you choose and how does it possibly work? City? Zip Code? Do you input the ENTIRE address as a field? Curious to how you make this work.



    @Mike – selected zip code with the hope that the geo plugin will know how to find member using zip code proximity. But since I am not able to run the indexing process I can’t really tell if that works or not. Once I can run the indexing process and get some search results I will know how it actually works. Till then this is pretty much useless for me.



    I had e-mailed one of the developers, and he stated that it’s designed to run on a city/state field (eg: cleveland, oh), and was unsure if a zip would work correctly. However, check out the URL when you input a zip for the search “near location”: It turns the zip into the proper lat & long values. So, assuming your users are indexed, it looks promising that a zip can be used. (For the time being, I input values for my users into the DB table myself. However, it doesn’t seem they’re properly indexed this way, as they don’t appear through searching near their location. In addition, and most importantly, this isn’t automatic as it should be.)

    @shaisimchi: The developer I spoke with also said to check the JS error console when you click the “here” link. I did that, and there were no errors. However, by doing some rudimentary JS debugging, it appears the error is coming during the call to the buddyPressGeoRebuild function in Geo.js, (at least for me). In particular, it’s the jQuery.get that seems to be causing the issue. I’m just sitting back down to play around with it, so I’ll let you know if I find the issue and, hopefully, a solution. If you get the chance to look at it and happen to figure it out, please let me know as well.



    Erwin Gerrits of bp-events fame had, at one point, used the Google maps api to add map functionality to the plugin.

    What we should really do is build a plugin that grabs ever field you specify, in the order you state mashes them together into the form of an address and then plots them on Google maps.



    Okay, I got sidetracked by a couple of client phone calls. Just sat down to take a look at the file. A forward slash appears to be the culprit. Deleting it seemed to work for me:

    var someUrl = “/?bp_geo_index=” + num + “&bp_geo_last_loc=” + lastLoc + “&bp_geo_last_lat=” + lastLat + “&bp_geo_last_lon=” + lastLon + “&bp_geo_last_user=” + lastUser + “&_ajax_nonce=” + bpGeoNonce;


    var someUrl = “?bp_geo_index=” + num + “&bp_geo_last_loc=” + lastLoc + “&bp_geo_last_lat=” + lastLat + “&bp_geo_last_lon=” + lastLon + “&bp_geo_last_user=” + lastUser + “&_ajax_nonce=” + bpGeoNonce;

    EDIT:Again, this is inside of the buddyPressGeoRebuild function, in Geo.js.

    Also: Searching by zip appears to function just the same as by city. Hope that helps you guys out. I’m going to go test to see how new users sync up. I’ll post back to see what I find.



    Hi Again,

    Removing the / seems to help though I am still having issues:

    1) in my test system I have 5 users and only 4 were indexed.

    2) for some reason out of the 5 users it seems that 2 users got indexes twice so that the contenct of wp_bp_user_geo is:

    1 1 37.3052272 -121.9871217

    2 1 37.3052272 -121.9871217

    3 3 19.8819564 41.6909381

    4 3 19.8819564 41.6909381

    you can see that rows 1 and 2 and rows 3 and 4 are identical (second column is userid) so what happens when you run the search is you get the same result showing twice (while some users are not indexed at all).

    Anyone ran into something similar and can help here?





    I have tried it now with city, state combination and it seems like it is working better.

    one thing to note though is that since the indexing is done using lon and lan the distance that you are actually getting is an aerial distance between two points (not driving distance etc.)





    Shai – you are a hero for trying to fix their work (I know this is a really important feature)

    Does anyone know what’s up with the actual dev team? (and did anyone find out what was meant by the “Sponsored by Automattic” tease on their site?



    I had a need to do this with posts (geocode, sort by distance, map). I did it with two WP plugins Google Maps Geocoder and SimpleMap. I had to rewrite Simplemap to query the post/postmeta table instead of its own tables.

    Now that I know how to do that, it shouldn’t be hard for usermeta or groupmeta. I just suck at javascript which all the geocoding and mapping stuff uses.

    I will need to do the same thing for users and groups once BP 1.2 is out. If no one tackles it before I do, I’ll donate the code, but it won’t be plugin worthy as I don’t do admin interfaces and options pages. Since the site is for me, I save my time and bandwith by putting settings in a well commented php file.



    In my opinion, the downfall of this plugin is that it uses JS to hide xprofile fields that store the lat and lon instead of just using user-meta. That and it just works a little strangely, and I couldn’t really figure out why I wasn’t comfortable with it.

    I’ve got a re-engineered version of this plugin I’m using for a client at the moment, and will probably give that code back to the devs of this plugin to be reused for later.



    Does anyone have an experience of running this plugin but not from its main page?

    I want to run a search from another of my pages but not sure how to use the capabilities of this plugin.

    Would appreciate some help with that.





    Given all the problems listed on this thread, the utter lack of responsiveness and vague claims on the plugin site, why even bother trying?




    I was able to get it to work quite well from its main ‘Events’ page so thats one step.

    I just want to use it from another page – just not sure exactly how the calls are being made etc.



    … I’m having trouble activating this plugins … submenus not displaying on the site.

    Bp’m using wpmu 1.1.3 and, with themes of buddymathic.







    Attempted to install BP Member Map 1.1 plugin at

    Received Error:

    “The page at says:This web site needs a different Google Maps API key. A new key can be generated at”

    Regenerated new Google Maps API Key and updated settings. Still no luck?

    Thanks Advance :)



    is BP Member Map working with 1.2?





    @katendarcy: Could you elaborate just a little bit on your previous post to @jamesyeah? I am having the same problem with not being able to select a location field. I’ve already set up a registration form with fields for city state and zip code, and included the lat and long fields specified in the plugin install directions.




    Forgot to mention, when I click the link for the search page, it redirects back to the homepage.



    I’ve got this so close to working but now users can’t save their profile group if it contains the Location field… any ideas…? It looks like it’s doing it – connects to then says Done but no save…

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