[New Plugin] CubePoints Buddypress Integration!
I noticed it doesn’t create points for new users. Other than that great plugin.
It would be great if you could add “My Points” to the profile page. I still need to setup the ranks, not sure how that blends with BP.
Ya, that would be cool if the My Points page was on the profile page or just not the admin part of wordpress. I didn’t create CubePoints, just this extension of it. So not sure why it’s not giving points for new users.
Do you have a point value on this page?
Under “Number of points new members get for registering:”I have it set to the default 100 points. I’m only guessing, but maybe it’s because the users are created via the BP register page and not the WP form. Does it work for your new BP users?
Ya, people on my site use the BP Register page.That’s the only option they have. Just had one register 35 minutes ago actually and it did give them 100 points.
I take it back. It’s working.
Must have looked at the logs to soon.
Any chance to get this working for group forums?
It’s something I can look into. Not sure how off hand. I do have CubePoints working with Simple:Press Forum though. But it’s a direct edit of a file.
points for adding friends would also be cool
Got points added for friend and friend request working! I’ll update the plugin shortly.
Awesome, will check this out.
Thanks Tosh.
[EDIT] Version 1.3 is now live! Please rate and vote on the plugin if it works for you. If not let me know and I’ll try to fix it.
Version 1.4 is now live! Adds support for Group Forums
Has anyone figured out how to use cubepoints with WordPress MU + Buddypress?
It should work on WPMU, just activate the plugin on the blog where BuddyPress is active.
It works for me my set up is
wpmu+bp+sp forum+ 75 pluginsand cube points and this add on both work although I do not let user make there own blogs.
@josh101 Good to hear, thanks for keeping us updated
Hi Tosh,
What’s the easiest way for my users to view their points? I can’t seem to find a link on my profile page or the buddypress admin bar? Or is the only way to view your points is to go to the WordPress admin pages?Ya, right now only the admin pages. I use this link in the sidebar after they are logged in:
http://www.mysite.net/wp-admin/admin.php?page=cp_user_logsI do have a public page that shows all the points users have earned on the site. Like so:
[cubepoints toplist 0]
I would like to see the users points displayed on there buddypress profile. If I figure it out, I’ll let you guys know for sure.
Thanks a lot!! You’re fast! Do you have a code to display toplist with ranks?
Not with ranks. I’ll mention that to them. They are really busy lately. Not much time to work on it. I have time, but I’m fairly new to this, lol.
Thanks for everything! You guys rock!
Thanks, glad people are finding it useful!
I’ve been using it on my own site for a while now. So I thought I’d share the plugin love.
Please rate the plugin and vote if it works for you.@r-a-y
“It should work on WPMU, just activate the plugin on the blog where BuddyPress is active.”Any way to get it to count comments members make on another member’s blog? (not just the main blog)
Another way to earn points soon
I added the points next to the users name in both the side bad, and also on the persons profile by using the following in my bp-custom.php.
Does anyone know the hooks for when someone ‘Likes’ something?
function my_bp_add_cppoints_display_my_points()
if ( is_user_logged_in() )
echo “Points: “;
}add_action( ‘bp_sidebar_me’, ‘my_bp_add_cppoints_display_my_points’ );
function my_bp_add_cppoints_displaypoints()
global $bp;
echo “Points: “;
}add_action( ‘bp_before_member_header_meta’, ‘my_bp_add_cppoints_displaypoints’ );
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14 years, 10 months ago
Download it here or here || Join the BuddyPress.org Group
IMPORTANT You will need to install CubePoints (at least version 2.1.1) first.
This plugin is just extending the functions of CubePoints into BuddyPress. Which is the only points/reward system for the single WordPress install. So right now this only works for single WordPress install, not WordPressMU … at least not yet. For that to happen you need to speak with the creators of the CubePoints Plugin.
Here are the default settings.
Group Creation 100 Points
Updates/Replies 5 Points
If a user deletes there own update/reply it removes 5 points.
Friend Request 15 Points
Friend Request Accepted 15 Points
New Group Forum Topic 20 Points
Group Forum Post 5 Points
Uploading Avatar 5 Points
Sending a Message 1 Point
Other Plugin Support
Link Added 5 Points – Requires BuddyPress Links
It also uses the CubePoints logging system. You can update how much the points are worth by updated the file here:
/wp-content/plugins/cubepoints-buddypress-integration/cubepointsBP.php file.
@r-a-y Thanks you so much for helping me get this plugin created!
Add the points your members have earned in there BuddyPress profile. Plus it shows a donate link and rank + image (if enabled in CubePoints). Here is the how to.
Want to give points for people that contribute to your Simple:Press Forum (SPF) using CubePoints? I’ve been using this method for the past few versions of SPF and it still works. Only downside is that you need to edit the file again after you upgrade SPF. It’s actually pretty easy, you just need to modify 1 file.
Here is the how to do it