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  • @adamkbbalan


    Ok. As long as that works I am making this – through A LOT of experimentation a hybrid of sorts between a framework and a simple theme. My goal is to make this a flexible and customizable theme, with the understanding that I will have to do a lot of work when new releases of BP come out.

    The goal wasn’t to make a child theme it was to take what was there, change it up, add new back end features, take out pieces I don’t want and make a new theme.



    There is no selling or ripping of credits.The CSS header and all the comments still state “Originally done by, modified and changed by”
    What you stated makes me look like I am taking the work for my own, when in fact I am sticking with GPL and still giving credit where required.

    it does, in my mind – I would rather have it associated with the theme name I gave it so that people who are looking at the backed see my “branding” as you put it, instead of the default. In no way am I trying to say – I created this.

    Also from my experimenting bp_ has to stay it calls core functions from the plugin. where as buddypress went and became social



    Now something that may be againts (well not really cause it will be GPL) the rules is how would I go about striping out all the bp_ and ‘buddypress’ in this “clone” and replacing them with say bw and BLACKANDWHITE.

    And thanks for the advice and tips



    I havent run into this problem as of yet. How ever I will keep a look out. Currently – Like I said All I did was take the entire default theme, place its contents into a folder named after my new theme, changed ALOT of things – still trying to get rid of things like ‘buddypress’ and bp_ with out it breaking – and uploaded it to my site, the default theme is still there – it has not been moved, changed, deleted – just copied. the new theme is what I am currently using (which sits in my core wordpress theme directory). So I dont think anything will break in terms of buddyPress or WordPress

    based on this information is there still a chance of breakage? even with a buddypress upgrade?



    I did that and now when I go to the registration page it takes me to my home page (thats where I have most of my 404 errors for dead links take me for now) I am not sure why…..

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