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  • @agentmaximus


    The is a filter that needs to be added to wpmu to resolve this issue. There is already a ticket that discusses this:

    That buddypress ticket includes a link to this ticket in for wpmu:



    @TheEasyButton … the instructions on your site for 2.7.1 really helped me with this. I must have spent several days trying to work out the correct steps.



    I have finally been able to duplicate the installation.

    Here’s a relatively complete set of steps for guidance. This took me several hours to prepare and it can be easy to make a stupid error along the way. Just take it slow.

    These steps are for WordPress MU 2.8.1, bbPress 1.0.1 and buddyPress 1.0.3.

    1. Download and install WordPress MU 2.8.1

    2. Install the “bbPress Integration” plugin version 1.0 via the “Plugins” -> “Add New” menu of your wordpress mu installation.

    In the search box enter ‘bbPress Integration” and click “Search Plugins”.

    Click the “Install” link for the “bbPress Integration” version 1.0 plugin.

    Click the orange “Install Now” button.

    Click the “Activate Plugin” link.

    3. Download and install bbPress 1.0.1 in a sub-directory of your wordpress installation.

    I chose the sub-directory “/forums/”.

    4. Load up the bbPress installation script by going to http://<yourdomain>/forums/

    5. Click “Go to step 1”.

    6. Enter the database name, database user and database password that you used for your wordpress installation.

    You will not usually need to click “Show advanced settings”.

    7. Click “Save database configuration file”.

    You should see a message “Your settings have been saved to the file bb-config.php. You can now continue to the next step.”

    8. Click “Go to step 2”.

    9. Next you add the integration settings. This is the important part!

    – click “Add integration settings”

    – click “Add cookie integration settings”

    – you will be presented with a list of eight text entry fields

    – the first two are for your wordpress and blog url. For each of these enter your exact urls. I just used the same value for each. They need to commence with http://

    – for all the cookie values just enter “COMMENT OUT”. These will become reference points in the bbpress config file for later.

    10. Click “Add user database integration settings”. This step is also important!

    Leave the existing value in the “User database table prefix” field.

    Enter the WordPress Primary blog id value “1” – THIS IS IMPORTANT.

    11. Click “Save WordPress integration settings”

    If all is well you should see this message.

    Your WordPress integration cookie and database settings have been successfully validated. They will be saved after the next step.

    Once you have finished installing, you should visit the WordPress integration section of the bbPress admin area for further options and integration instructions, including user mapping and the correct cookie settings to add to your WordPress configuration file.

    12. Click “Go to step 3”.

    – enter your site name

    – enter your site url. I entered the url to the forums including the http://


    – select the “admin” user for your wordpress installation

    – enter a name for your first forum e.g. “Announcements”

    13. Click the “Save site settings” button

    14. Click the “Complete the installation” button

    15. You should see a screen indicating installation has completed.

    – click the “Show installation messages” option. Scroll through and see of any errors are reported.

    16. At this point you should be able to login to your bbpress installation with your wordpress admin username and password.

    17. Login to bbPress

    18. Click the “Admin” link to go to the admin screen

    19. Go to “Settings” -> “Writing” and enable XML-RPC publishing protocol (this is needed by buddyPress)

    20. Go to “Settings” -> “Discussion” and enable pingbacks (I think this is needed by buddyPress ….?)

    21. Go to “Users”

    22. Go to “Settings” -> “WordPress Integration”

    Set the mapping of bbPress roles to WordPress users roles

    For the WordPress Administrator role select “bbPress Key Master”.

    For all the others select “bbPress Member”.

    Click “Save Changes”

    23. Login to WordPress MU as the admin.

    24. Go to “Plugins -> Add New”

    25. Enter “bbPress Integration” and click “Search Plugins”.

    – you should see “bbPress Integration” 1.0 listed

    – click “install”

    – click the orange “Install Now” button

    – click “Acrivate Plugin”

    26. Go to “Settings” -> “bbPress Integration”

    Ensure there is a full url for the bbPress forums entered.

    Select WordPress type “WordPress MU”

    Click “Save Changes”

    Copy the values listed in the dark grey box at the bottom of your page into your clipboard. There will be four lines that look something like this:

    define( ‘COOKIEHASH’, ‘da4672dda66fd60a6b80e420d32ef26c’ );

    define( ‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’ );

    define( ‘SITECOOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );

    define( ‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );

    Don’t worry – these values will be different for your installation.

    Open wp-config.php in an editor and insert these lines immediately after the opening “<?php” line.

    Whilst you have wp-config.php open, copy the authentication keys to your clipboard. They look like this:

    define(‘AUTH_KEY’, ‘800345c011dfad9261cedec0a3d914ffa1b40d67b23b66e4809797ce728f0b80’);

    define(‘SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘5d6d3f657c9fb496e3f5488044fc174c238554a1b5347eb633ea8baecf0dcc7c’);

    define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘6749832494719d8217e06c233326cb86da9ec040b16f705156660e1642a5f0e8’);

    define(‘NONCE_KEY’, ’87a5b149e95e0a13020541040353548eaf65b68452be91c685e96a7fbab685bc’);

    define(‘AUTH_SALT’, ‘8ff197cc15f311c975bd14ce131e7872eb390706bd316f72435c081836d14f34’);

    define(‘LOGGED_IN_SALT’, ‘642683992ae38da46082bf9850ab90273deb7d5d1034baf80a3fd32871b5e04a’);

    define(‘SECURE_AUTH_SALT’, ‘7c066b9c14bd558737b74b76c77f928e3612935832a6a47bd70842e118c947fa’);

    They will be different for your installation.

    Save wp-config.php

    27. Open bb-config.php

    Find the lines containing the Authentication Unique Keys. They will have the values “COMMENT OUT” if you followed the instructions above. Comment these lines out!

    Insert the lines from your clipboard into bb-config.php below the lines you commented out.

    You need to edit each line you inserted and prefix the name of each constant with “BB_”

    After doing that, the lines will be something like:

    define(‘BB_AUTH_KEY’, ‘800345c011dfad9261cedec0a3d914ffa1b40d67b23b66e4809797ce728f0b80’);

    define(‘BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘5d6d3f657c9fb496e3f5488044fc174c238554a1b5347eb633ea8baecf0dcc7c’);

    define(‘BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘6749832494719d8217e06c233326cb86da9ec040b16f705156660e1642a5f0e8’);

    define(‘BB_NONCE_KEY’, ’87a5b149e95e0a13020541040353548eaf65b68452be91c685e96a7fbab685bc’);

    define(‘BB_AUTH_SALT’, ‘8ff197cc15f311c975bd14ce131e7872eb390706bd316f72435c081836d14f34’);

    define(‘BB_LOGGED_IN_SALT’, ‘642683992ae38da46082bf9850ab90273deb7d5d1034baf80a3fd32871b5e04a’);

    define(‘BB_SECURE_AUTH_SALT’, ‘7c066b9c14bd558737b74b76c77f928e3612935832a6a47bd70842e118c947fa’);

    Save the file and exit.

    28. Clear cookies and Refresh for your domain. In Firefox you can clear cookies for a specific domain pattern.

    29. Login to your wordpress installation as the wordpress admin user.

    30. Assuming you managed to follow the setps above, If you go to your bbPress page you should find that you are logged in!

    31. From WordPress Admin go to “Plugins” -> “Add New”

    – in the search box enter “BuddyPress” and click “Search Plugins”

    – find BuddyPress 1.0.3 in the list

    – click “Install”

    – click the orange “Install Now” button

    – click “Activate Plugin”

    32. BuddyPress is now installed. Follow the BuddyPress instructions for installing the themes to the correct locations and activate them.

    33. In wp-admin go to “BuddyPress” -> “Component Setup” and check that the “bbPress Forums” component is enabled.

    34. In wp-admin go tp “BuddyPress” -> “Forums Setup”

    – ensure that the URL for the forums is entered

    – ensure that the bbPress username and password details have been setup

    – click “Save Settings”

    35. Create a group with option selected for a forum.

    36. Check that you can post topics in the group forum!

    37. Take a break!



    Unfortunately, I’m having trouble duplicating the installation.

    For my sucessful installation, bbPress presented me with a “dropdown” list allowing me to select the keymaster user. I then picked my WordPress admin user. It all worked well from there.

    For the duplicate installation the bbPress installer shows text fields for entering the “keymaster” user details.

    This process is painful!



    I have been able to successfully install and configure the following as a clean installation:

    WordPress MU 2.8.1

    bbPress 1.0.1

    BuddyPress 1.0.3

    I will post a *rough* outline of the steps for the installation. My installation is on a test server (Mac running php 5.3.0 under xampp ??? beta)

    You need to get WordPress 2.8.1 and bbPress login integration working successfully first.

    I’ll try and duplicate the installation and then post instructions. It should be relatively straightforward once you know the tricks.





    A little more info on this bug.

    For theme selection, the “BuddyPress Settings” page is looking at the themes in wp-content/themes, yet it loads the theme from wp-content/bp-themes.

    That means that to use a bp member theme, you need to have a copy of the theme in both the wp-content/themes directory and the wp-content/bp-themes directory.

    This means that the generated HTML ends up loading the CSS and templates from wp-content/bp-themes/<themename>



    I was thinking that maybe the BP Devs should change BP so that the BuddyPress themes can optionally be installed in the standard themes directory.

    That way if they were able to be configured like wordpress child themes, site designers would have the option of making their BP member themes reuse styles from the theme they select for their BP home theme. That would limit the amount of CSS that needs to be developed.

    I gave it a try by attempting to create a child theme of bphome. Whilst I can select it, BP ignores it and just displays bpmember.

    What do you think of this suggestion?



    Great work-around!



    There seems to be an issue with bp-themes in the wp-content/bp-themes directory. There does not appear to be anywhere to activate theme.

    According to instructions in the readme, BuddyPress themes (other than the default ‘bpmember’ theme need to be activated before they are used).

    Based on the instructions in the readme in the bp-themes directory I looked for a menu “Site Admin -> BuddyPress”. This menu doesn’t exist (although this is the menu that the instructions say is needed to activate Buddypress Themes).

    I then went to the “BuddyPress -> General Settings Menu”. This has a dropdown list “Select theme to use for BuddyPress generated pages”. This dropdown is listing the wordpress themes and not the buddypress themes like bpskeleton which comes with the 1.02 download. There is nowhere I can find to activate the BuddyPress themes so that they appear in this list. In the dropdown above, I tried selecting one of the themes listed e.g. “wordpress mu homepage”. Once I apply it and go to the buddyPress-generated pages like “/members”, “/groups” or “/blogs” I see this message:

    You do not have any BuddyPress themes installed.

    Please move “/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/” to “/wp-content/bp-themes/” and refresh this page. You can download more themes here.


    My installation is a clean install from wpmu 2.8.1 with buddypress 1.0.2



    I give up. I will wait until precise instructions are available for integration with bbpress 1.0.1. I’ll be closely watching this and other threads on wp mu 2.8.1. I’m not sure if it is php 5.3.0 that might be causing me problems.



    I’ve tried that as well. I’m using firefox and it has a function for selecting and deleting individual cookies. I’ve also tried moving the constants to the bottom of wp-config.php since I wondered if wp-settings.php which is loaded at the bottom of wp-config.php is somehow overriding the constants.

    Does bbPress actually load wp-config.php for integration to pick up settings??? I haven’t had a chance to trace through and find out what files are loaded.



    John, I tried commenting out that setting and there was no joy. I’ve been focusing on the cookie domain:

    on the wordpress side, on logging in the wordpress_logged_in_* cookie has the cookie *Domain* ‘‘, whereas on the bbpress side the cookie has the *Host* ‘‘.

    So on the wordpress side there is an extra ‘.’.

    It does this irrespective of whether COOKIE_DOMAIN in wp-config.php is:

    define( ‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’ );


    define( ‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’ );

    My understanding is that if cookie handling is the same on the wordpress and the bbpress sides of the integration, then the login state should be retained.

    It seems to me that the problem is may be related to this COOKIE_DOMAIN constant and how it is being handled (or ignored) by wordpress (and/or bbpress).



    Is anyone having any success determining the steps for a fresh install of WP MU 2.8.1, bbPress 1.0.1 and buddypress 1.0.2?

    I can’t get the WP MU 2.8.1 and bbPress 1.0.1 integration playing together. I’ve tried the bbPress Integration plugin for wordpress. This plugin shows one section with wordpress constants COOKIEHASH, COOKIE_DOMAIN, SITECOOKIEPATH and COOKIEPATH under the “Save Changes” button:

    define( ‘COOKIEHASH’, ‘8601cf66cb0dd7bfc31ae5a1499a18a4’ );

    define( ‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’ );

    define( ‘SITECOOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );

    define( ‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );

    I’m working on an offline development server on my Mac (XAMPP running php 5.3.0). I was using MAMP Pro but stopped using that when I found out their was an incompatibility with the libxml / php versions it was using.

    Currently I have to logout of one backend to access (login) to the other (or clear cookies) to access either backend. I can’t be logged into both at the same time. It’s sharing usernames and password okay …

    Are there any tricks that people have been using to try and debug this?

    I’m quite keen to work from a fresh install of latest releases of all the components rather than working through upgrades of previous versions (which are also tricky to integrate).

    I’ve tried stirring in newt’s eyes and frogs legs into the cauldron but they don’t seem to help.

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