Forum Replies Created
I got it to work. So here is the solution for anyone that might need to do this in future.
CSS: Add the above css to your theme css
JS: Add the following to yout theme js file. [this extract was take from the buddypress global.js file]/** Profile Visibility Settings *********************************/
var jq = jQuery;
jq(‘.visibility-toggle-link’).on( ‘click’, function() {
var toggle_div = jq(this).parent();jq(toggle_div).fadeOut( 600, function(){
});return false;
} );jq(‘.field-visibility-settings-close’).on( ‘click’, function() {
var settings_div = jq(this).parent();jq(settings_div).slideUp( 400, function(){
});return false;
} );Sorry for the late reply. I did not get a notification. [anycase] here is a link to my site:
uat.petpalidtags.comI have raised a support ticket with the theme developer but I think it will be a while before I see anything. The theme is supposed to support Buddypress 1.6 but I had to copy the following CSS section from the defualt.css file.
6.9 – Extended Profiles
————————————————————–*/This does display the “change” link but the section does not expand i.e. display:block.
Please have a look as I would love to get this fixed as I cannot deploy this theme.
Finally sorted something out.
Add the following to your edit.php file:
`<?php if(bp_get_current_profile_group_id()==2)
> //change this to the group id you want to restrict
These field have been locked by the Administrator. //or whatever you want to say
Fix this line to include the “<?php" before the if like so:
`<?php if ( bp_has_profile( 'profile_group_id=' . bp_get_current_profile_group_id() ) ) :`==========================================================================
insert this to the second last line:
Hi Hugo,
Thanks for the reply. Understand what I need to do, but my PHP skills are still a work in progress. Do you have links to any samples and I will try to put somethign together.