Forum Replies Created
I have found it.
Problem solved!Just now BuddyDev is helping me
Problem solved
I am waiting for your answer!BR
AndersYou can skip this question
I have solved it myselfBR
No page for Members was created during the installation of BuddyPress so there is no page to assign in BuddyPress settingsBR
AndersHi Iamdev!
You said: “you don’t need a ftp access just go to the plugin editer from your wordpress admin backend then select the buddypress plugin and then search for the file profile.php”When I select buddypress plugin I can not find a profile.php file.
I really need to remove that text as it confuses my users as much as me!
I Am sorry!
But I do not understand
“go to plugin source code script then find the profile php file”I do not have my site on a selfhosted server.
And therefore I cannot use a program such as FileZilla
Is there not a CSS snippet I can use?BR
Anders HidmanI solved this myself!
I have solved it!
I have solved it!
I get by myself, so you can let it go!
Anderdsok. thank you very much1
andersAnd, what do I do then…!
Thi is for those who has teir sit on selfhosted server. Or..?
OK. Thanks so much. Nov it vorks.
Andersyes. I go to Facebokk and kopy the url and then plce it in the field just as it looks in Facebook!
I am sorry. I do not meen wat that meen
That is very odd.
Can you investigate wahat the problem for just my Fasebbok is?The link is clickable for other sites, but not for Facebook
Wen I click I get thiss message
This page is not available
Thhlink may be broken or the page may have been removed.Her. in group, is no longer a blog menu/link
I solved it by myself.
You can let it go!