Forum Replies Created
Yes, if you are using Genesis Connect, please go to the Studiopress forums for an update.
“Tried deactivating BP Template Pack and switched to default BP theme, but still not working. Also created a new group, but still not working. “
Please describe fully how it is not working when you are using the default BP theme.
If you cannot get it working using the default Buddypress theme – it’s not a Genesis issue and the plugin will not help.
Do you have multisite enabled? That’s what powers the blogs portion.
White screens are php errors. Check your error logs, they tell you exactly what is wrong. or turn on debug.
And mercime gave the correct link already on creating a network (multisite).
“, does use multisites for its blogs and forums.”
YES. it uses multisite for individual blogs for each user. Full blogs like has.
“When i installed buddypress
and added the forums it says group forums???”Ye,s the forums are attached to groups. that’s how it works here too.
Did you add buddpress compatibility to the Arras theme?
” that multisite thing
after i installed it took away the ability to even add plugins or update my theame “
No, it didn’t. It moved them to network admin. Multisite is what you need for extra blogs – this works even without buddypress.Buddypress does not just add a theme – it does add the functionality that you;re looking for. please reads the docs.
The forums have to be enabled in the backend.
We are answering your questions – don;t post multiple time,s ,read the directions, ask when you do not understand instead of undoing things we told you that you need.
on single, but I can;t see how it would do things with adwords just because multsite was on.
Just to be perfectly clear, having multiple blogs is a feature built in to WordPress itself, not BuddyPress.
BP just shows them if they are there.
“well, I think I will really back to my phobia of plugins! this plugin just ripped me of 20 $ of google adwords advertising my website, and it caused any user who tried to sign up with creating blog in registration to tell them please check your activation e-mail! (theopposite of what it should do!) and this time it’s not sending e-mails at all even after long time because the plugin did it’s job at this side only!”
I actually tested this plugin last week – it worked for me and did none of the things you mentioned.
” ( preferably not a plugin, Is there some code edits can achieve this)?”
It’s basically the same thing. your emails not getting sent out in time is a server setting.
Whole list of people here:
if you go to you should see it. if not, your registrations are OFF.
Did you turn on registrations? Under Settings in the admin area.
Headway just came out with a paid add-on for BP compatibility.
“i set the permalink to custom “/” “
You filled n the wrong values. Basically what you put there will never work. On any theme.
Did you look in the database for the old url?
Please start a new thread so more people can see it.
Please link to your site.
Please post the things you *have* tried. Then we can help.It works on new installs when I try it, so it’s something specific to your server.
Use multisite instead.
Don’t add another wp install in a subdirectory. Enable the network on the main site. you can hav sub dir sites with it and they share a userbase.
StudioPress has a paid plugin to make their Genesis child theme buddypress compatible. you can do the work manually as mercime has suggested, or you can get the plugin. ask them over there.
Turn off all your plugins, then enable them one by one to see which one is causing the error.
Or, go back to using just bbpress and install a private messaging plugin if that’s all the extra you need?
that’s just one i found.What theme are you using? What is the link to your site?
The spammers google for your registration page. If they can’t find it there….
And I’m suggesting it as one to help – not the be-all end-all.
Do that in conjunction with other things and it does help. I could also argue how captcha doesn’t work well for human too I’m not a fan.