I understand, I too am a volunteer. Doesn’t mean I can’t be discouraged when something has been troubling me and no answers are readily available. FYI, in addition paid thousands in development and have resolved many of my own problems, but that wasn’t what I was talking about. I was referring to the fact that after 5 months there was no comments to this question, at least until now. However, although not helpful, you sure replied to my comment quickly. Thanks for volunteering.
The problem with this scenario is the Buddypress sends asks the user for a password, then the user approval generates another. I have been beating my head trying to solve this same problem. I need users to resister without a password, then when they are approved, they get sent a generated password.
I have been struggling with the exact same issue and the exact same plugin…which has worked wonderfully in keeping our riff raff, but the password problem is a real issue. I too would like to know the solution. P.S. I am disappointed and surprised that the BP community has been of no help in near 6 months since this post…little discouraging.