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  • @bofw


    Unfortunately as @mercime has stated to use 2011 you will have to go through the process of theme compatibility.

    In a related question, is there a plan to try and make bpuddypress theme independent?

    On the surface it looks to me like it should be possible using some smart and unique CSS class naming that buddy press could be installed as a plugin with a set of additional CSS files rather than replacement CSS files.

    I see in the dev chats that some folk are working on yet another child theme, but to be honest having buddy press so tightly coupled to the theme has been one of the main setbacks of this project (imho)

    Surely the resource and time of these talented and dedicated members would be better spent on decoupling buddy press from the theme rather than creating another theme that existing users are unlikely to benefit from and gives yet another unrequired decision (and potential dead end) during the early process of getting started.

    Buddy press components appear typically in:

    The top navigation (can be handled using the menu builder or manually)
    The main content area
    The side bar
    The buddy bar (now the wordpress tool bar)

    Most themes contain these areas (to be compatible with other plugins) so we must surely be at the stage where serious thought is being given to starting the decoupling process?

    Future versions of buddy press should be tested to death on the wordpress default theme and and let theme owners take it from there.

    Is this possible or it the task immense?



    I don’t mean to be a pain but this is a shocking example of a thread being hijacked. Where are the moderators on this? Some of the responses are from long time members who should know better too. The forums here are bad enough as it is without allowing threads to go off topic like this.

    Anyway to get this back ‘on topic’…

    There do not seem to be any clean and current examples for custom post types generating a custom message.

    Seeing as CPT’s are so popular these days this would seem like a very cool piece of code to have.

    A single snippet that would allow you to…

    1) turn on activity stream messages from a custom post type
    2) turn on the commenting for that custom post type to appear in the activity stream (BTW: this doesn’t seem to work in the current release at all)
    3) set the custom activity stream message template for that post type

    4) be able to do it for more than one post type elegantly

    Has anyone got the guts of a function pulled together for the above? (1&2 are simple enough – I have posted a code snippet in another thread – but like I said above commenting doesn’t seem to work can anyone else confirm this and I’ll raise a ticket?)




    oops!!! nice spot that worked mostly, i changed to

    But pagination still doesn’t seem to work, am i missing somthing?



    This has already been built (we paid for it).

    Works really well, dwenaus did a superb job on it, maybe dwenaus would like to package it into the official plugin?




    In object caching there is no option to turn off for logged in users (only wordpress admin)

    There is an option to add pages and folders to a list not to cache but im not sure what or how to format what goes in there.




    We’ll we got it working (actually technical support got it working – nice guys too)

    Now we haven’t stress tested it yet, but its a very nice chat implementation, but what really sealed the deal for us (we had been trying arrow chat) was the cool little modules for page translations and facebook/twitter.

    We’ll worth a look and well worth $129

    Hooks nicely into our buddypress and only can be used by logged in users so im hoping that will help keep bandwidth hammering down a little bit.

    If it proves to be a sticky as i hope it will it will be a great investment.



    Well we bought it, but cant get it to install, completely white screen on instalation 500 server error.

    Not a great start :o(



    How does this compare to Arrowchat?



    @pollyplummer DJPaul has a fair bit of knowledge in this area – I’ve been picking his brains for the last few weeks on this very issue lol @DJPaul a nudge for you mate as you may be able to point in the right direction.



    Cheers r-a-y!



    @r-a-y Hi matey

    Did you get any further on releasing this as a simple plugin?




    @r-a-y Hi Matey

    We are having an issue with both plugins (activity and comments). When you add text before or after the link to be embedded (e.g. a description or comment) it only displays the embedded item and not the text before or after.

    Any ideas?




    @Hector @Dwenaus

    Sorry guys had to open another account here as i seem to be locked out of the other one :(

    Guys we will pay the $450 if someone else can come in with $250 :)

    But id really like to get a start on it :)



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