15 years, 10 months ago
Yes, thank!)
Today i ugraded WPMU to 2.7.1 and BP to RC 2. Good work!
Maybe some newest language files will be for this version?
I translated BuddyPress in my own Ukrainian language
The post on my blog: http://arys-my.name/?p=445
The files: http://arys-my.name/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/buddypress-uk-lang-rc1.zip
Everybody welcome!)
WPMU 2.7, BP RC1, i hadn’t change anything, but before this, there was an eror “Eror establishing DB connections”
http://fayne.info ( Ukrainian )
Realy! Senk, i’m so stupid)
Yes, i don\’t remember exactly what i\’ve done at the instaling buddypress, but now i cant change that field, and when somebody register, he saw the field, and below just \’*\’.
At the admin area i cant anything do with it – http://arys-my.name/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/sh1t.jpg
P.S. sorry for my english