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  • @boiy


    okie i just noticed something… when i remove buddypress 1.7 and put 1.6.4, my site registers users and it works well… but what i dont understand is i have a dummy version of the site and buddypress 1.7 works well on it..and it registers users without problems… but it doesnt work for the main site.. and i tested it on another site.. users cant register

    so why are users able to register on BP1.7 and cant register on 1.6.4 and users can register on my dummy with any version of my BP,

    if there is a bug conflict somewhere …please am opened to the solution




    i dont understand how it solves what i want… i have seen status once… but now i dont get how the theme would solve it

    i thot there should be some sort of function that would do this




    thanks… i know its a bit off… i wish i have enough buddypress knowledge to write this.. cos am new to word-press and buddy-press .. though i have learnt alot by playing around…

    also … i have another request.. if you can help or someone can..will be great-full cos i am customizing the site as much as possible



    altho i removed all the is_user_logged_in function cos i couldnt figure it out… left it to try it later



    @mercime i pasted it thr… named it header:

    and named footer:



    @pcwriter, its a good solution, i particularly like it simple too.. but one problem tho… i just hope it wont be hacked easily, and secondly i hope this can come out better as a function so one can easily apply it to all pages at once

    its kool work



    @mercime i already tried that… but the plm is … it doesnt work… i did all the necessary is_user_logged_in…. am not sure whr to even place the code again



    am sorry … my mistake… i meant my front-page, which also serves as my landing page, i dont want the header and footer visible until user is logged in



    comment rating plugin… i am actually in need of a plugin that rates comments made alone.. will like to also add my own custom image



    I actually dont get it

    what is the purpose of the POEDIT application… i chaged my “join Group” to “join Us’… but the text didnt change… but when i edit from buddypress core files ‘bp_groups_template.php” .. it changes to ‘join Us’ and it is my understanding that core files arent to be tampered with… due to future update… can sumone pls explain this language file thing proparly and how i can customize my texts and strings… or is the another way



    I actually dont get it

    what is the purpose of the POEDIT application… i chaged my “join Group” to “join Us’… but the text didnt change… but when i edit from buddypress core files ‘bp_groups_template.php” .. it changes to ‘join Us’ and it is my understanding that core files arent to be tampered with… due to future update… can sumone pls explain this language file thing proparly and how i can customize my texts and strings… or is the another way

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