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  • bdd


    @prashantvatsh I’m having a similar problem and would appreciate a little clarity on your suggestion.

    1. Which email are you talking about when you say to disable the activation email?
    2. How do I auto-login them on registration?
    3. Where/how do I set it so that they’re redirected to the proper place to activate their account? (You mentioned the Users screen and you mentioned their BuddyPress profile. For either, which specific page do I list and where do I list it?)

    Thank you!



    Is there any update on this issue? (Is there somewhere else I should check for updates?) Thanks.



    Short-term solution: I changed the Xprofile field type to text — seems to still be linking in the profile (whether the member types “https://” or “http://” or neither). And then I was able to manipulate the HTML and PHP to do what I wanted above (since the Blog Address is no longer formatted as a URL).



    Update — looks like the errors I was seeing were from some sort of stray invisible characters at the end of the PHP file. Moving on. 🙂 Hopeful. 🙂



    Thanks again. I’ll try that.

    I’ve been making some progress and getting closer. Created a new template with a copy of the member directory code, then started manipulating that.

    Tried using what’s in the “Filtering by Xprofile fields” section here to guide me:

    Right now I have a few errors, but I also see a link to just the one member that has a blog field filled in. (Long way to go, but feels like I’m getting to the right track.)



    YES! That’s what I’ve been fiddling with, but I’m struggling to get it to work. As an example, one roadblock I found with BP Profile Search and Custom Directories, and it’s not set to work with Nouveau templates (which is what my site’s using).

    Is there a tutorial you know of that would help me set up a template that would do this, and then I could indicate that a particular page should use that template?



    No. Not using groups yet.



    Thanks. That doesn’t sound like the solution I’m looking for, though. I want a single page to show all current members, not a page for each individual user when they’re logged in?

    And manually coding wouldn’t work, either.

    It feels like there should be some way to loop through all of this on a single page to display what I want, I’m just not seeing it yet since this is so new to me.



    Thank you!

    So if I’m on a new page, and I want to list a particular field for ALL current members who’ve filled in that field, how would I do that? (I’m looking through the shortcodes and not seeing it yet.)

    And then how would I show more than one field for each member?

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