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  • @catchit


    @djpaul cool, thanks for info. is it ok to use CDN with amazon for plugin too, as long as i don’t cache pages for users?



    I was under the impression akismet by itself only works on the wordpress blog posts, but not forum posts or updates (buddypress stuff), am I wrong in this? – thats why I was asking about other plugins.



    @DJPaul I was wondering how do you get paged caches to work with users logging in, I can’t seem to login with page cache. I do a lot of custom queries and display, is page cache important for that?



    would really like to know this too, been trying to figure out how to best implement w3 total cache



    Any recent updates on the best configuration for W3 Total Cache – still looking…



    Hey, I’ve tried incorporating this into my site, but i realized there is no way for a user to delete the data since it does nothing if the fields are empty. Is this related to lack of ability to populate fields? I’m wondering how you approached this? @nit3watch



    Anyone know how to put drop-down menu on the normal menu bar, I can’t seem to figure out how. Even if its just manual coding…



    Hey this plugin is friggen awesome, very simple and does exactly what is needed. I was wondering though, do you know how to populate the field when people try to edit it? @nit3watch



    Hi, I’m also looking for a really simple way to add 1 meta data to groups, if anyone knows where to look please guide me…



    Found solution in source code commentary of bp_has_activities(), seperate with commas. However, still looking for custom queries capability.



    Thanks for the prompt reply which tells me exactly what I need to know, unfortunately I have not yet learned javascript and this is an unexpected kink in learning buddypress :(

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