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  • @chadeverson


    Is there a way to get a “blogs” widget for bp just like the groups and members widget? I am not a code guy, I only know cut and paste, but I am looking for an easier way to navigate from my bp main page to where I really want my visitors to be going is my blog networks on wpmu install. I think of Bp as the wheel that connects all the blog networks wpmu contains. I am trying to figure out an easier way to let my visitors and members travel in, throughout, and around in my bp/wpmu install. right now, they seem to be stopping at the bp and getting frustrated. your idea of using this code to bring up a list of blogs that is linked would be very useful for me all throughout the install.

    Could I get something like a drop down of all my blogs in the navigation bar of bp?

    Hell, I would settle for a widget!





    Thanks! I am not as advanced as SVN yet. I tend to beta my install and try to keep it up and running, it is a rodeo, but with my pay-grade of bagel it is all I can afford. So if I download the working version and ftp it to my server it should update the database when I get into the back-end for the first time? So I don’t have to run the update.php like in wordpress? That is good. Now, on a live install I know it is not a good idea to do this, but I am hoping the updates will stabilize my install. I am having conflicts with bp and wpmu and every other day something with apache or the conflict is taking my site down. So with no real formal training but self taught persistence, we are getting grizzly with this great product. Loving it, just have not tamed the bull yet.

    thanks for help! I can’t wait until wpmu 2.7 is here, any dates yet for a release?




    Mine works, but now I have a group admin that does not like her group avatar. There is no way that I can see without digging in code and files to change it. look for Grizzly Education group for the example given.



    Ditto’s here as well! We need that classic 5 step WPMU! So I know I will not crumble it now that it is finally starting to get Grizzly!

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