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  • @ckchaudhary


    @briebree I’ve been developing a plugin which you may want to check. It doesn’t give option to choose different avatars, but it does allow members to join groups anonymously.

    BuyddyBoss & BuddyPress Anonymous members Plugin

    It is not in the plugin repository yet, thanks to a huge list of plugins awaiting review.



    By default your members list is sorted by ‘last active’, which restricts the output to only those users who have been ‘active’ at least once. Users who have never logged in to the site( and hence are inactive ) are not displayed.

    You can choose ‘alphabetical’ in the order by select field and you’ll see all the members.



    If it redirects to a blank white page, then you should get this fixed first. A blank white page is a result of an error in your code. You should try to get this fixed before worrying about anything else.
    To troubleshoot, try to undo any code changes that you might have done recently or deactivate any new plugin you activated recently.



    Hi Earl,
    Two things you can do:

    1. Hide admin user from members list. This post has some answers:-
    2. Change the user_nicename field in users table in database, for the admin user.

    I suggest going with the first option.



    Hi there,
    You are looking for a custom widget. Since your requirement is not generic, it’ll be difficult to find a ready-made solution for your requirement. While its not difficult to code this widget, you need to be a serious programmer to be able to put it all togetehr.



    Buddypress doesn’t ship with reduxframework files. You are probably using a premium theme. I suggest you deactivate all plugins except buddypress, activate twentysixteen theme and then test. This will rule out any theme conflicts. If it works with default theme, you’d know the issue lies somewhere in your theme.



    Hi there,
    You can setup redirects for all such pages. The code for this shouldn’t be hard. But since you are not a programmer yourself, i suggest you take the help of any freelancer, it should be a quick task.



    Hi there,
    This appears to be some javascript issue, possibly an eror in your theme’s or some other plugin’s javascript code. Without looking at your website, it’s hard to guess anything.
    Have you tried ruling out plugin&theme confilcts by disabling plugins and switching to default theme?



    Few things you can check:
    1. Make sure you have enabled group component, by going to /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=bp-components
    2. If enabled, check if groups nav is there but hidden, by going to wp-admin/admin.php?page=bp-groups



    The filter you are looking for is bp_get_activity_action. So you’ll need to do something like:

    function SN_member_header( $action ) {	
        return $action . "success!";
    add_filter( 'bp_get_activity_action', 'SN_member_header');

    For a better understanding, you can check the code in function bp_get_activity_action in plugins/buddypress/bp-activity/bp-activity-template.php



    Hi Ninja!
    This is possbile, but will require a considerable amount of custom coding. You’ll need to have some code this for you, or you can do it yourself if you are comfortable with wordpress coding.

    To give you an outline:
    – hook into bp_core_general_settings_after_save action
    – check if user is trying to change his email address
    – check if its the first time user is trying to do so( using a flag in usermeta ). You probably want it for the time time only.
    – delete the usermeta pending_email_change
    – and update emailaddress for user

    Hope it helps.



    BuddyPress has little to do with posts’ order. I can bet its something else. You need to provide more details..



    try this:-

    add_action( 'bp_after_member_header', 'myprefix_show_badge' );
    function myprefix_show_badge(){
        if( !bp_is_active( 'xprofile' ) )
        $field_value = xprofile_get_field_data( 'Talent', bp_displayed_user_id() );
        if( 'photography' == strtolower( $field_value ) ){
            echo '<div class="badge1"><img src=""></div>';

    This should work.
    And I, personally, prefer the term ‘programmer’ over ‘coder’ 🙂



    Hi there,
    You’ll need a bit of coding to achieve this.
    You can override the template files activity/index.php and groups/single/activity.php. And in those files, you can roll out your own filters to conditionally load actiivty-post-form template.

    e.g: instead of if ( is_user_logged_in() && bp_group_is_member() ) , you can use if ( is_user_logged_in() && bp_group_is_member() && bp_group_is_admin() )

    That should get you started in right direction.



    If you are on latest version of buddypress( > 2.6 ), the following code will work:

    //hide setting nav in profile
    function w24dr_remove_settings_nav() {
        $bp = buddypress();
        $bp->members->nav->delete_nav( bp_get_settings_slug() );
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'w24dr_remove_settings_nav' );
    //redirect settings to main profile page
    function w24dr_redirect_settings_nav(){
        if( bp_is_user() && bp_is_current_component( bp_get_settings_slug() ) ){
            wp_redirect( bp_displayed_user_domain() );
    add_action( 'template_redirect', 'w24dr_redirect_settings_nav' );

    But it still doesn’t remove ‘settings’ nav from adminbar. You need to work some more to remove it from there.



    Hi there, this plugin lets your users communicate directly from their inbox.

    If you rather want to just stop those emails completely, you can try the following code

    add_action( 'messages_message_sent', 'unhook_messages_notification_new_message', 9 );
    function unhook_messages_notification_new_message(){
        remove_action( 'messages_message_sent', 'messages_notification_new_message', 10 );

    That should work.



    With twentysixteen theme active, i can already see those images in horizontal alignment. Maybe the theme you are using, has a css rule which is affecting it. In any case, you can always write some custom css to make those images ‘float’.





    Just a wild guess… I’ve had this issue once and the plugin ‘nextgen gallery’ turned out to be the cause. If you too have nextgen gallery active, try deactivating it. More info at



    Do you mean xprofile fields?



    1) I don’t know of any such plugin. But what i can suggest is that you can edit template files and wrap the sensitive info in a codition like if( !is_user_a_children() ){ show content }….

    2) That is a design work. You’ll have edit template files and write some fancy css to achieve that.



    Yes you sure can use multisite + buddypress( network activated ) to achieve this.
    But merging two existing sites under one multisite will need shuffling things here and there. And as you are saying both websites use multiple themes, things might get tricky 🙂



    Default behaviour is to search through values of all profile fields for the search term.
    So if someone has entered ‘london’ in ‘city’ field and you click on it, the search result doesn’t only contain members who have entered ‘london’ in ‘city’ field. It’ll also return members who have entered ‘london’ in any of profile fields.
    That’s what makes you see the result set as inaccurate i guess.



    This sounds doable theoretically. But i am sure there will be implications 🙂 – table prefix wpabc_ – table prefix wpxyz_

    Now in, if you want to use buddypress tables of, go to active theme of > functions.php and add the following code: ( untested )

    add_filter( 'bp_core_get_table_prefix', 'bporg_244943_change_table_prefix', 99 );
    function bporg_244943_change_table_prefix( $prefix ) {
        return 'wpabc_';


    Participant looks good. I have not tested though.

    If nothing else works:

    1. Create a custom post type ‘Businesses’. You can use the plugin
    2. Use plugins like or gravity form to give users a form to submit/edit entries from front end
    3. Use any of the rating/review plugins and set it up to work with this custom post type
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