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  • @clickallco


    Sure, with the right code. It’s not in the Buddypress core though – so you’d have to code it yourself or rely on any free plugin doing it for you.



    Since you have woocommerce, log in through

    Otherwise, delete the plugins you recently inserted through ftp and look through your data for the bug.



    Try giving some of the things in here a shot: – otherwise, try disabling your cache plugin and open the site in a new browser to see what it does.



    Perhaps you could try altering it through some code and see if it changes. Change the number to the corresponding spot you want the tab to have.

    Insert the code in your bp-custom.php or your functions.php file to play around with it.

    function change_profile_tab_order() {
    	global $bp;
    	$bp->bp_nav['profile']['position'] = 10;
    	$bp->bp_nav['activity']['position'] = 20;
    	$bp->bp_nav['notifications']['position'] = 30;
    	$bp->bp_nav['messages']['position'] = 40;
    	$bp->bp_nav['friends']['position'] = 50;
    	$bp->bp_nav['groups']['position'] = 60;
    	$bp->bp_nav['settings']['position'] = 70;
    add_action('bp_setup_nav', 'change_profile_tab_order', 999);



    Try using the Buddypress Tools to repair it. It’s in your wordpress dashboard > tools > buddypress



    Hi, did you try switching your theme and turning off your plugins one by one to see if any of those were bugging it?




    Otherwise Buddypress 7 added an admin screen for new group types. You can look at it here



    Use the following code in your bp-custom.php file to change it. You can read more on it here

    Utilice lo siguiente en su archivo bp-custom.php para cambiarlo. Puedes leer más aquí:


    define( 'BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT', 'profile' );



    I haven’t tested it myself, but perhaps you could try this plugin



    No. Try right clicking the menu with your mouse and click inspect element. You’ll be met with some html and css. The css styles the html. Try putting in both these codes z-index:9999, position:absolute where its needed.

    Here’s a quick walkthrough on how to use the inspect tool to figure out where to put it



    This isn’t really a Buddypress issue, you’ll find more help on the WCFM plugin support site.

    Otherwise you could right click the element with your mouse, find the class name of it and then attribute it display:none!important in your style.css. Here’s an example of what it would look like:

    .classname {



    Could you clarify? Are you trying to modify the style of it through css or are you attributing more functions through php to it?



    Sure it’s possible – but you’d have to code it yourself… 🙂 But to help you a bit:

    Make the profile fields you want to have checked first, on where your members are located.

    Otherwise, I think Buddypress has the possibility to loop through the xprofile fields – so something like this to gather your names for the mega menu (This is untested, so test it first before putting it on a production site)

    <?php while ( bp_profile_fields() ) : bp_the_profile_field(); ?>
        <?php if ( bp_field_has_data() ) : ?>
            <?php if (bp_the_profile_field_name() == 'YOURFIELDNAME') && bp_the_profile_field_value() == 'checked'){
    	//do something
         <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>




    You’ll be able to fix it through CSS, link your site if you want it to be more specific than that



    You could try something like this – as a start, then hook it into whatever payment module you’re using.



    I dont know any plugin which does it, but a solution could be to (if you know how to make templates and code basic stuff in wordpress) template it into the member types where the user would choose their layout themselves (control it how you’d like).

    So something like this would be the steps:

    1: Create your member types.

    2: Intersect the member types with your users’ Xprofiles.

    3: Start coding your templates to reflect the different dashboard you’d like them to have. You’d name the template front-member-type-yourmembertypename.php. So, for instance, if your member type was named “knights”, the template would be named front-member-type-knights.php

    4: upload your templates to buddypress/members/single/your-upload.php

    When the profile has chosen his or her member type, their members front page will reflect the template you’ve coded.



    Whoever initially published the blog post will have their name on the automatically generated activity which links to said blog post.

    If you initially published the blog post as the admin – and then changed the post to user 2 – it won’t change the automatically generated activity post.

    User 2 needs to be an author and be assigned to any new blog post you make.

    You can change your existing automatically generated activity posts by reverting the blog posts you need to change to drafts – switching the post author – followed by publishing it once again.



    If your theme hasn’t changed buddypress too much then its most likely something like this:

    	background: #000!important; /*change #000 to your color*/

    Otherwise its usually a good idea to check with the theme’s customer service instead.



    Sounds like a memory issue (server hosting problem). What errors do you get?

    You can see the errors by enabling WordPress debug. Locate your wp-config.php in your wordpress installation files and set WP_DEBUG to true, i.e.: define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );



    I haven’t tried it personally, but seems to add a like / dislike button to activity comments and posts.





    You’d probably have better luck and less headaches just making searchable hashtags. You can dig through and take the few lines of code it requires.



    Sure. You could bundle them together by using an example shown here:

    Here’s the code

    function using_mt_register_member_types() {
    	bp_register_member_type('Teacher', array(
    		'labels' => array(
    			'name' 		=> __('Teachers', 'using-mt'),
    			'singular_name' => __('Teacher', 'using-mt')
    		'has_directory' => 'teachers', //url slug
    add_action('bp_register_member_types', 'using_mt_register_member_types');

    You’d then find that particular type in You can add as many types as you’d like with the above example.



    Great, you’ve narrowed it down – now continue chasing the bug while looking into whether or not something else is the problem.

    Here’s a list of things to do to keep you going:



    You’re experiencing a redirect loop due to misconfigurations. If you enter the network tab in chrome’s developer tools (right click on the website page and click inspect element) on and click on a member hereafter, you’ll notice whats going on when the page is loading.

    As a start, try going into the permalink settings in settings > permalinks in the wordpress dashboard, followed by pressing the button “save changes” in the bottom.

    If this doesnt fix it, you could try restoring default .htaccess file.

    Otherwise you might try deactivating your plugins one by one to see if it changes anything.

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