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  • @coralbeauty



    I keep trying to reply to you but BP won’t let my replies go through. I’m moving my reply over to one of the GD Facebook groups. There’s two groups – one says it’s an unofficial group. Join both. I’ll paste my reply in both for you.

    – Jamie



    Did you get resolution to this? I also have found a conflict with Elementor and Buddypress that Elementor confirmed but refuses to fix. They are saying it’s a third party problem and not theirs and told me to contact BuddyPress but no one at BP will respond to my ticket. I’m beginning to think this is intentional to force people to purchase from a competitor.



    Can I get a response from someone on this??



    I’m having issues too. I contacted Elementor for support. They confirmed the conflict between Buddypress and Elementor but refused to fix it saying it was an third party (Buddypress) problem and not theirs. (I already submitted a ticket to BP but haven’t had a response yet.)

    And just like you – it doesn’t matter which theme I use because my Elementor built Buddypress login/registration template/page still won’t work as long as Buddypress is enabled. I can’t even open the template to edit it as long as Buddypress is enabled.

    I’m following your ticket here to see it will help bring attention to BP devs to fix this problem.



    Still unable to open my Elementor built Buddypress login/registration form when Buddypress is enabled. I disabled everything else on my site except Buddypress and ELementor (disabled Elementor Pro) and even changed themes and still cannot get the edit template to open and the login/registration will not work when both Elementor and Buddypress are enabled. I’ve already contacted Elementor and they refuse to fix this because they say it’s a Buddypress problem and not an Elementor problem.

    I even downloaded a previous version of Buddypress thinking maybe it was due to the recent update of 11.1.0 but I’m still unable to get it to work with Buddypress version 10.6.0.

    I’d really appreciate a response from someone – ANYONE – to let me know if you’re even reading this. Last time I submitted a ticket was 6 months ago and I never got a response from BP. Does anyone work on this at all?



    @katehobson, after several years of using Elementor, I’ve found that they tend to have an elitist attitude towards any theme or plugin that conflicts with theirs and always expect the third party to conform to their plugin as opposed to vice versa. Their suggestion to me was to contact Buddypress for support instead since they viewed it as a Buddypress problem and not an Elementor problem. I knew that was likely going to be their response and now I’m kicking myself for wasting over 24 hours waiting on them to forward my ticket to their Tier 2 team for the Tier 2 team only to tell me that they weren’t going to help me. I should have just contacted Buddypress immediately with my problem – not that BP is fast to respond at all. Case in point, I submitted a ticket to the BP support forum 6 months ago that still hasn’t been replied to. If this next ticket doesn’t get resolution much faster, I may be searching for an alternative to BP since this is hurting my website and is bad for business. I need something that works more consistently with better customer service. SMH… This may be one of those cases where you get what you pay for.



    I have issues with Buddypress not working on my site as well. I also have Astra Pro and use Elementor to build my pages. After troubleshooting, the conflict was definitely between Buddypress and Elementor and not Astra. It didn’t matter which theme I switched to, when only Buddypress and Elementor were the only two plugins activated, my custom built Elementor login page would break. When Buddypress was deactivated, the page was editable again. I confirmed this with Tier 2 support at Elementor today. I hope that info helps others here!

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