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BTW, although my first post mentioned that I must have made a change that caused the links to “break,” it was a new site so I was *assuming* that the links must have worked originally and so I thought I must have made a change to themes (or something else) that caused the problem.
However, since I subsequently saw the same behavior with a completely fresh install (starting with no database and an empty public_http directory, I’m now thinking that those particular BuddyPress links were probably never working.
Update. By comparing my site’s BuddyPress-generated tabbed links “Blog”, “Members”, “Groups”, “Forums”, and “Blogs” to those for other sites, I was able to pin-down specifically what was wrong—but don’t know the fix.
My main blog structure was such that the main blog was at:
…and a member blog would be at:
All the aforementioned BuddyPress-generated tabbed links “Blog”, “Members”, “Groups”, “Forums”, and “Blogs” were failing because the links specifically for the memberblog because “/memberblog” was being added to each of those links (if I removed the “/memberblog” part of the links then the links would go to the right place).
I tried everything I could think of to solve the problem (code reinstalls, database deleting and reinstallation, removing all plug-ins, etc), and *nothing* fixed the problem.
Interestingly, when I finally tried reinstalling using the site structure, those various memberblog Buddypress tabbed linked worked just fine.
Is it possible that BuddyPress has a bug specifically for that structure?
I’m going to stick with the structure because I don’t have currently have the coding experience to get into addressing the issue, and I’m happy enough with the subdomain approach in any case. I just wanted to let folks know that there might be a problem… or perhaps somehow it is something particular to my setup—although everything else worked just fine.
That’s great to hear. Having a predefined set of groups will be a major benefit, and I would think that turning off a feature (namely, a non-admin user’s ability to create a group) should be a lot easier than adding a feature.
@Xevo : Yes you did, and it was most helpful!
I too would like the ability for myself as an admin to define a fixed set of groups for the site, to eliminate the possibility of groups-proliferation by users.
Is it possible to somehow “lock” the set of groups?
Thanks Xevo. I did have that code block in the wrong place. Thanks for clarifying. Now it works.
@Xevo, I am having the same problem. I inserted your redirect function and now get the following error message on my site homepage:
“Fatal error: Call to undefined function add_action() in …../public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3427.
I inserted an exact copy of the code you pasted above (except that I changed domain.ext to my own domain name.
I’m not sure why I get this error message.
Xevo, I am having the same problem. I inserted your redirect function and now get the following error message on my site homepage:
“Fatal error: Call to undefined function add_action() in …../public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3427.
I inserted an exact copy of the code you pasted above (except that I changed domain.ext to my own domain name.
I’m not sure why I get this error message.
@intercer , I too didn’t understand exactly what trusktr tried to explain. Can you share with us how you got things working?