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  • @criticaltodd


    well, this import went so-so. The messages are there, but the pagination of messages is “off”. Page one has 7 messages, while page 2 has only 6 messages. Pages 3 and 4 have only 4 messages, and when I click on page 5, it says “you have no messages in your inbox.” I guess that’s what hacking gets you.

    Anybody have ideas on what to do next?





    Thank you, Andy. I did try that function but I must have forgotten to echo it. FOLKS, don’t forget to echo your functions!!



    This one is up next on my development list, so I’ll just gratuitously BUMP this…

    Is anybody aware of a way to call specific profile fields using BP functions, or is the only way to do this something like:

    //get the country of the current post author. country field ID is 4.

    $result = mysql_query(“SELECT value FROM wp_bp_xprofile_data WHERE user_id = ” . $current_author . ” AND field_id = ” . $country_field . ” LIMIT 1″);

    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

    $profile_field = $row;

    Hmm, I may have just answered my own question…



    Thanks, Andy! I went into the database and observed how these arrays morph as more posts are made. Here’s what I figured out about the serialized array in BP’s wp_bp_messages_threads table:

    First of all, the wp_bp_messages_threads table is indeed the table that associates “messages” table with “recipients” table.

    In the message_ids column:


    – a:4 means there are 4 messages in the thread

    – the i’s are the links between messages in the thread. There are 4 messages in the thread, and the thread IDs are 1, 2, 3, and 5. I’m not sure why we start with i:0 to i:1, but after that the connections are i:1 to i:2, i:2 to i:3, and i:3 to i:5.

    In the sender_ids column:


    – I guess a:2 means that the sender has 2 messages in the thread, but I don’t know why that information is useful yet. I don’t know what the i’s mean in this context. I don’t know what s means. “2” is the user_id of the sender.

    I was able to put this together and come up with a simple import script that turns phpBB message data into BP messages. It’s just a “flat” import, by which I mean that the script does not use the BP threading functionality; it just gives every message a simple “message_ids” table entry, such as a:1:{i:0;i:55;} where 55 is the id of the message, and a simple “sender_ids” entry, such as a:1:{i:0;i:3;}, where 3 is the id of the user in wp_users.

    Is somebody putting all this in the codex? I don’t feel I’m qualified enough to enter these snippets, but hopefully this type of documentation will be emerging soon.



    Well, that’s pretty severe, but that’ll work, I gotta admit!

    Thanks for the tip, but I do think some users want the *option* to use First/Last… I’ll keep poking around the code and see if I can figure that out.



    I think this may have been fixed today??

    Changeset 557

    View differences

    Show lines around each change


    Blank lines

    Case changes

    White space changes


    11/19/08 16:03:44 (5 hours ago)




    Added missing switch_to_blog() call which was causing issues with using the recent blog posts widget.



    thanks! let me know.



    for anyone else attempting this, I also had to delete these lines:

    // If the user can’t edit posts, send them to their profile.

    if ( !$user->has_cap(‘edit_posts’) && ( empty( $redirect_to ) || $redirect_to == ‘wp-admin/’ ) )

    I tried deleting “wp-admin” but somehow that wasn’t enough to force the redirect to the main BP page. Don’t know enough about PHP to figure out what I’m doing wrong there.



    perfect. thank you!!



    Thanks ron_r but I don’t think that link works:

    404: Not Found

    Seems as though we couldn't find what you're looking for. You may have come from an old outdated link.

    Use the menu above to find your way.

    I’m sure google is on this, so we can just google



    OK. I withdraw my recommendation for Site5. They are no different than other shared hosting and won’t respond well to BuddyPress, based on the warnings I get for my non-BP sites.



    I’m still stuck – installing in the root directory indeed takes care of the login issue Wardeh mentions, but I’m still getting a blank News page after multiple attempted tweaks to the Admin page, database, etc.

    It seems like “News” is the main blog listing, so it’s probably easy to do a workaround by disabling the News button and creating a new page to display. It’s on my todo list.



    Looking at the road map, I would say it’s not in the cards for the 1.0 release. This is just us BP users saying it would be “nice to have” – I’m not aware of any interest in this from the core developers.



    yikes, good question. that occurred to me too. I guess I’ll do another test install on a doc root.

    hey Andy … let us know! :)



    OK… I reinstalled the latest of the latest: WPMU 2.6.3, brand new MySQL database, and Trunk 547… to see if that would fix the issue that Chris, Wardeh, Plog99, and I seem to be having :)

    I’m still getting the blank “News” page. Here are my settings:

    Edit Blog –


    Path: /bp/


    Permalink Structure: /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/

    (Yes, I also tried /news/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/ and got a blank page)




    I am using Site5 and they will set up the wildcards on request.

    Anyone use MediaTemple?



    There is definitely some configuration issue that I can’t figure out. My /news page (which is apparently the main blog page) was also blank. I messed with the configuration and had to do some emergency database editing, and eventually ended up with this:

    And there are posts on there.

    Good enough for alpha :)

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