The News section
Could someone tell me how to post content to the “News” section of a fresh BuddyPress installation ?
Do I have to create a Post, a Page… a “News” blog ?… I don’t find anything.
Thanks 4 your help
Set your blog permalink to /news/
Andy, I went to the Customize Permalink Structure page but the best I can get is Is there a different place to change the blog permalink? Thanks.
Mumble mumble…I’ve simply wrote a post from the beckend of my blog width bphome theme…(that in my case isn’t the main blog, but I don’t think this is a big difference in writing post…)
Am I a special case?
I went to the Customize Permalink Structure page but the best I can get is Is there a different place to change the blog permalink? Thanks.
I also have this issue with the main installation. However, in a blog I added there is not a default /blog in the custom permalink structure.
I am on trunk 539.
You people are talking about the ‘News’ on the bp home page? That just shows the root blog’s posts. It’s the same as running any theme. Normal themes just show the most recent posts. X number of them. The ‘News’ link does the same.
Yes, you need to post to the root blog if you want anything to show up there. No permalink changes should be needed.
Burt, yes, the News tab on the front of the BP home page. However, the root blog’s posts are not going there. Instead, they are being sent to /blog/. I cannot edit the permalinks from /blog/ to /news/ as /blog/ seems to be hard coded in. What am I missing?
There is definitely some configuration issue that I can’t figure out. My /news page (which is apparently the main blog page) was also blank. I messed with the configuration and had to do some emergency database editing, and eventually ended up with this:
And there are posts on there.
Good enough for alpha
It would appear that if you go to Site Admin – Blogs and click “edit” on the blog in question, that you can edit the permalink structure in the appropriate field. (Scroll way down.) Edit out the /blog and click Update.
However, Settings – Permalinks doesn’t reflect this change.
But when I Publish a new post, the permalink now becomes /news/post-name-etc.
But then I click on “News” on the home page, and the posts don’t show up.
Well, that’s what’s happening with me anyway. I am on trunk 544.
I don’t think this is the intended way to work it, but I ended up just creating a new blog with the admin account and named it News. Now when I click on “News” on the front page, it takes me to the news blog.
There isn’t any need to change the permalink structure of your blog. BP hijacks lots of URIs so that no .htaccess regex magic is needed to run BP. Normally the URI gets index.php and your recent blog posts. That’s what most themes do. BP home theme ain’t a normal theme.
BP home theme serves as the home/root of a community of blogs in wpmu. I’m still gonna want to post to the home blog for homey, groupy type stuff. Maybe I wanna make those things sticky for awhile. Whatever.
BP does some magic URI hijacking to avoid .htaccess mods. Correct me if I’m wrong Andy but if I remember correctly, browsing the code, I saw BP doing some registering of URIs such as ‘/news’ that gets caught by some code in bp-catchuri.php. BP looks at the URI first and if it’s something it wants to pay attention to then it snags it. Otherwise it just passes it on to wpmu.
‘/news’ is one of them there things. I have the root blog running just stock out of the wpmu box and it works as I intend it to and BP seems happy also. It’s confusing I know. Maybe Andy can gen a list of all hijacked URI patterns to clarify things?
Jeez. I hope *I’m* understanding this correctly.
OK… I reinstalled the latest of the latest: WPMU 2.6.3, brand new MySQL database, and Trunk 547… to see if that would fix the issue that Chris, Wardeh, Plog99, and I seem to be having
I’m still getting the blank “News” page. Here are my settings:
Edit Blog –
Path: /bp/
Permalink Structure: /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
(Yes, I also tried /news/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/ and got a blank page)
Sorry, not getting where buddyPress is installed and how you have wpmu configured. There are some options for installing wpmu first of all. It can be installed in the document root or in a subdir. Originally wpmu had to be installed in the doc root for bp to work. I heard a rumor that bp now works with wpmu installed in a subdir of the apache root. True? I don’t know. That’s the first option.
Second option is you can run wpmu with subdomains or subdirectories. You can have your URIs look like or
@CriticalTodd it looks like you installed bp in a subdir off the doc root called ../bp is that correct? bp is installed in the wpmu /wp-content/mu-plugins dir. I’m kinda confused.
Here’s my setup that works:
1) wpmu is installed using subdomains not subdirectories in the apache document root
/var/www/ launches wpmu
2) buddyPress is installed in the /wp-content/mu-plugins directory
3) buddyPress themes get put in /wp-content/themes
However you have wpmu configured when it comes to subdomains or subdirs for creating member blogs, bp goes in ../wp-content/mu-plugins and ../wp-content/themes
How do you have your site configured?
Can anyone confirm that BP can run with WPMU installed in a subdir and not the doc root? Be nice to know… It just hit me that you might have wpmu installed in a subdir called /bp
There were dire warnings that wouldn’t work a couple of months ago. Mayhem, chaos, gnashing of teeth and general misery would ensue. So I didn’t.
yikes, good question. that occurred to me too. I guess I’ll do another test install on a doc root.
hey Andy … let us know!
I’m so glad you brought this up:
Originally wpmu had to be installed in the doc root for bp to work.
I have wpmu and bp installed in a subfolder called /wpmu. This could be causing all my problems:
1) group administration (no groups showing up)
2) login.php not wanting to go to a subfolder
3) posts not showing up in /news
However, I don’t have a root domain available for testing. So if someone else could confirm, it would really help me out.
@wardeh, I’m sorry, confirm? I’m running the latest from svn (r547 till I update this eve). I’m thinkin’ that the people in this thread are having probs ’cause of wpmu configs that bp just don’t like. I’m not a wpmu or linux guru and I try to stick to what works well for others. I’d rather spend my time making themes do what I want them to do and building a site. Got enough problems in that area.
I am having a similar problem.
When I go to my ‘news section,’ I get an ‘Error 404 – Not Found’ message in the blog area.
I reinstalled wpmu, but chose the subdomain option instead of the sub-directory option for new blogs. I then was able to get to the news blog (root blog), but could not create new blogs that work — the URL bumps me to OpenDNS and the mesage ‘We did not find any results for: [ blog.mydomain] Please try a new query above’ Note: my server is bluehost.
I have reinstalled everything a couple of times using both approaches and get the same results
So… unless I can figure this out, I have to choose between not having a functioning news section under buddypress, or no being able to create new blogs.
@gnattybumpo sounds like you are almost there. Your domain has to be setup for wildcard subdomains. If you don’t have access to DNS and your apache configuration file you’ll have to ask your hosting provider to make the changes for you. Here’s what the inimitable Matt has to say about this:
More than you ever want to know is at google search ‘dns wildcard subdomain’.
Thanks for the tip!
Yesterday I reinstalled for what I had hoped was to be the last time (at least for a little while) worpressmu and buddypress using the subdirectory rather than subdomain option for new blogs. My plan was to simply create a news blog, since that works (as noted by chriscarter) — it isn’t as elegant because you can’t use the buddypress home theme (unless you want whole new buddypress blog with its own useres, etc.). Nevertheless, it works.
I just checked with bluehost, and they told me that I cannot use the subdomain option on bluehost. Maybe that simply means I need to modify the database DNS wildcard, but for the moment I am sticking with subdirectories for blogs and a new news blog — and hoping I can find a way to fiddle with the appropriate php code in buddypress wpmu.
Please feel free to check out the site, just realize its very alpha and could be much beta ; ) —
@burtadsit — I should have explained better. As a new WPMU user without any tweaks whatsoever, nor any plugins, my only concern has been to get BP running. I didn’t mean for anyone to go out of their way to create a whole other test site. What I meant was, could someone who is using WPMU and BP in the root of the domain confirm that the problems I am having are a result of running WPMU and BP in a subfolder?
But, no need. I rustled up a spare domain and tested it myself. EVERY ONE of my issues are resolved now.
1) No login problem.
2) Groups showing up in the Main Site Admin area.
3) Posts writing to /news and showing up on the ‘News’ page (no need to change permalinks).
I’m really, really relieved. And I hope that my results will help others. I don’t know if the issues I encountered are related to BP and WPMU running together, or with WPMU itself, or with BP, or all of the above. But since my installations were broken in a subfolder, I believe that a subfolder installation of the social network should be avoided.
@Andy, I believe it would be helpful in the Docs section to let folks know that BP and WPMU work best if installed in the root folder of a domain. Perhaps you have this somewhere, but I didn’t see it anywhere and I read everything I could find here.
I’m still stuck – installing in the root directory indeed takes care of the login issue Wardeh mentions, but I’m still getting a blank News page after multiple attempted tweaks to the Admin page, database, etc.
It seems like “News” is the main blog listing, so it’s probably easy to do a workaround by disabling the News button and creating a new page to display. It’s on my todo list.
I didn’t get a chance to read over everyone’s posts, but all I did was write a post in the blog as usual and it appeared in the “News” section. I’ll read over everything tomorrow and provide a more thorough explanation if possible.
@criticaltodd: what do you mean by a blank news page? No header/footer, 404. Just a white screen of death? If that’s the case then look in your error logs for the reason. Gotta be some php errors in there.
I can confirm the same as gogoplata… with one diff: I have buddypress home theme not on my main blog. I’ve changed in the code the ID of the blog in some php files and voilà .
Are all of you running the theme on blog with ID=1?
I did the same as PioneerSkies and am running the BP home theme on a subdomain ( and the news page is simply listing all of my blog posts on that sub-blog.
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