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@hnla I don’t think you got what I did, I didn’t just rename the folder, I renamed the theme name in style.css to ( copy-budyypress ), and this new theme works and appear normally in dashboard/appearance, actually my website is live right now:
is that what you were taking about? and is there a problem about that? cause I don’t think I got your point exactly.@mercime Thanks so much, I will check if this fix is applied to my install as it should or not then post in the ticket if it is the same.
– I meant when buddypress developers moved it, not me. it used to be in themes folder in earlier versions and child themes worked well back then.
what I did now is taking a copy of bp-default, renaming it, and put in themes folder, now it’s working, I was in a hurry because I want to start my website before certain date.@mercime thanks, the new code cleared the mess, but still no changes made to child theme are applied, I’m sure my edits are not wrong because it have been working before, all the problems started since moving bp-default off the themes folder and putting it in buddyporess folder. anyway I just copied the whole bp-default folder and changed theme name and started ding edits to it, will be harder than child themes to update, but it’s the only way I can get my website live for now, hope soon the problems with child themes are fixed.
btw, @mercime do you have any idea why registration page is saving all “select-down-list ” choices of last user who register and showing it always in register page? if you visited my website you will see that there are choices already selected even none of them is set as default, should I report this in buddypress trac?
@mercime thanks for help, but this code messed up the whole theme, visit my website and see.
@mercime still the same issue with bp 1.8.1 , when I made the edits directly in buddypress default theme it worked right away, but no matter what I add to style.css of my child theme no changes are refelcted, any solution?
@r-a-y during registration, have you noticed that all the select-list is already filled, although I made none as default, this is how you ended with all the profile fields in your test profile although nothing supposed to be set as default or required, so what could be the reason for it? also, any edits I make child theme css doesn’t work and I’m just about to bang my head in the wall :s
@mercime I just found out registration doesn’t work in firefox and google chrome, but in internet explorer it works! :s you can test this yourself, I’m sure it’s something about buddypress not my install, and by the way, the child theme I posted about in the other topic is also messed up, it seems child themes of buddypress-default have issues in bp 1.8, for now I just used main buddypress theme not child-theme.
@mercime no, I meant when setting the register page as a homepage in ” reading ” options, no user can register at all.
@mercime I added what you mentioned in my child theme style.css but nothing changed at all.
I use a child theme with only the style.css and footer template, wish to change all the fonts to Tahoma, thank you.Hey, any help available for this? it’s getting really frustrating, I have been trying to locate every css place by firebug but it’s not working, shouldn’t Tahoma font be the official one for Arabic rtl css? the font is so small without it., hope anyone can help as this problem is keeping me from getting my website live.
@mercime Thanks so much, found file and worked well now
@mercime can you please guide me what to edit in the above code to work with Arabic website? I tried to do that to Arabic but never centered, the navigation stay the same.
@boonebgorges sorry, but when to find the errors exactly when seeting WP-DEBUG to true? I can’t find any place for them in admin page or website front.
@boonebgorges Thanks for this, I have another question, as a test, I installed 3.3 beta 1 today, and tried to install buddypress ( latest SVN version) but every time I click network activate it do nothing, the plugin is never showing as activated in the list of plugins or any further install instructions showing, is current svn not compatible yet with WordPress 3.3?
Thanks Paul, I will try to do that
@mercime thanks! that look great with my header image, actually that edit alone can go on published child theme named ” buddypress centered ”
Thought I should post this for anyone who come by the topic until 1.5.1:
in the file:
bp_core_redirect( bp_get_root_domain() . ‘/’ . bp_get_members_root_slug() );
bp_core_redirect( bp_get_root_domain() . ‘/’ . bp_get_activity_root_slug() );or replace activity with any slug you want logged on user to be redirected to.
Thanks so much Paul, line found finally, and did the job so well, and I posted a ticket too: would love to use Karmatosed’s solution but as I wrote above, don’t know to accomplish that exactly.
@mercime is it possible to “center” the menus the same way?
@karmatosed I thought perhaps the more native solution will be easier in updating and so, plus, I don’t know exactly how to accomplish your solution, you mean like creating a child theme and editing the index.php? BTW, do you know if there is a shortcode for buddypress register like the ones in bbpress?
@djpaul I hoped the one who actually added the redirect see this topic, great you did
will wait your update.
Since yesterday I tried to find that line at many files with no luck, anyone can help?
@Andrea_r the thing is, if you tried to register a new user and (with it ) register a blog name on the multisite, this plugin is dead! not there at all, it give the user the normal ” you need activate by mail message ” and this time the message never go for user cause of the plugin! got the story?
in meanwhile, I’m really going crazy for this problem, hola@Andrea_r you tested it with multisite?
ERROR: The module “user-moderation/user-moderation.php” could not be activated (User Moderation is not currently compatible with multisite.).
This is not my solution so, as I said above, it;s a multisite
I just wish there was some simple and magic line of code that will erase this nightmare for me