Forum Replies Created
hi, I’ll make you a tutorial.
Hi, it’s made to work with the profile privacy plugin.
here is the download link. downloaddid you add?:
add_action( ‘wp_print_styles’, ‘bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles’ );
You often get this problem if you put spaces/whitespace after the end of what should just be a code file.
So, for example, at the end of functions.php if you have:
// PHP code
That will cause the warning above (CRLF is, of course, so you can see I mean carriage return!).
The best way to solve this is NOT to close the PHP in all code files – ie remove the last
The reason this happens is that the carriage returns get treated as part of the HTML output and so get written to the response stream – ie starting to write the headers. However, functions.php (and lots of other files) get processed before some header work is done – hence the problem.
So, the answer is always from the last ?> from any “code only” file.
add this in your function.php
// Add main CSS
if ( !function_exists( ‘bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles’ ) ) :
function bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles() {}
endif;wp_enqueue_style( ‘your-child-theme-name-main’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’, array(), $version );
Thanks modemlooper
that was it
Thanks! now the theme its compatible with bp 1.5. features are: slider on home page, php widget, search widget. poker offers widget, social widget, login widget. header with widget area, footer with 4 widget area, home page fully customizable with 4 widget areas.
BuddyPress Groups Extra not fully compatible.. testet on debbug mode
here it is installed on a poker community with a few mod
I’m using the_excerpt . It work’s if I post the article manually, but it don’t if I use an autopst plug.