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  • @dace


    after some research…. the avatar’s upload is ok… i have in my blogs.dir the avatars uploaded… but only black image… i think this is a cropping issue as i see in another thread and ticket on the track…



    @Lance : i have made a complete new install with WPMU and BP last trunks then import my sql database.. always this avatar’s problem…. there is no pb with htacess or gd install.. i have chmod 777 the avatar’ s directory…

    i’m going to search again and again.. thx for your help..



    Hi lance,

    Thanks for your answer. I try the.htaccess solution : I have comment the 2 lines but without success…. I have GD installed on my server

    … in my php.ini:

    GD Support enabled

    GD Version 2.0 or higher

    FreeType Support enabled

    FreeType Linkage with freetype

    FreeType Version 2.3.5

    T1Lib Support enabled

    GIF Read Support enabled

    GIF Create Support enabled

    JPG Support enabled

    PNG Support enabled

    WBMP Support enabled

    For the last thing about permissions, i\’m not sure to understand.. It is not a chmod problem isn\’t it ?

    Edit : i try to chmod blogs.777 dir/1/files without sucess…



    Burtadsit, thank you very much ! you have find the solution ! thx very much…



    1286 for BP

    1711 for WPMU

    No just trying to put some text !

    Thx for your help !



    same problem with last WPMU and BP trunk !



    here are the symptoms, exactly the same in the first post

    “When using the Welcome Widget, it doesn’t matter what I put in, only one character displays in both the title and text boxes. The first letter of the text box is displays in both areas, regardless of what I enter. I’m also unable to put in 2 digit numbers in widgets like Members and Groups.”

    I restart the apache server too..without success



    indeed, i have delete the object-cache.php, delete the files in /cache… always the same problems with widget…



    same problem here…it’s weird… the database bp_core.. didn’t find it



    @Wcastillo => do u have the .htaccess at the WPMU’s root ?



    Thx sgrunt.. works great with 1283 :)



    same thing here.. facebuddy doesn’t work with last trunk… “sgrunt”, the creator is working on it…



    Thx for ur quicky answers and support sgrunt !

    Perhaps some clues in the trunk :

    “removed blogs, groups and members directory from the home theme into the BuddyPress member theme. The directories now have their own templates and theme based CSS and provide much easier editing.

    Moved the $bp global setup to a higher priority action – from the ‘wp’ action to the ‘plugins_loaded’ action. This stops occurrences where the $bp global was not defined yet.”



    thx for the support… i stay tuned on BD !

    Edit : it doesn’t work.. must i modify bp-themes,home-theme or twice ?



    same here…



    little up about this bug..



    indeed it doesn’t work when i click on save changes… always a blank date…

    WPMU & BP trunk from last monday

    no idea about apache error log :s

    Thx for your answer !



    Thx for ur answer jeff…

    Have a suggestion for the developpers.

    In facebook, it’s possible to do list of friends like friends of school, friends of work…. but there are no privilege to these lists..

    It would be nice and very powerful to have a permission’s system like all access for real friends, only public profil for another….

    I don’t know if i’m understable… what are u thinking of this ?

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