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just found that with a different login as the Site Admin, you can’t leave a group either, unless that’s a bug of some kind.
This approach ought to work with members and groups too I think? My need is to show the “My” tabs as default in those sections. I understand the bp_ajax_querystring approach @boonebgorges put out, but can’t find any documentation on what to throw it (or even ON it – so many undocumented things in BP
Can I assume that in that example, ‘friends’ is the slug for that tab? If so, check me on this – I can probably just change the example to detect which main page I’m loading and throw bp_ajax_querystring the slug for the tab to load, and I’ve got my default tabs?
Oh this is very close to answering a big need (setting the default view to the “My”s on every view). Does anyone know of a place where I can look up all of the action= arguments or the scope=arguments?
Edit: I’m assuming that’s what is being passed to bp_ajax_querystring – is it page slug? my-groups does not work for scope
Alternatively, if someone knows where I can find some reference for bp_ajax_querystring, that’d be great too. The lack of documentation is killing me on this project
There’s a related method in this link for setting the Forums tab to default in Groups, maybe this will help.
Also, let me throw this link in here as references as to how to configure the existing tabs on groups and profiles (reorder, rename, remove):
@virtuali I was thinking the exact same thing today – in other CMSs I’ve used, I’ve been able to see a treeview of the navigation for the entire site and put any items I wanted in any spots (or rather, any items other people wanted 07 ). Since BP uses a common header file and seems to do its own setups for each tab (although I haven’t looked at everything yet) this might not be an impossible dream.
This would perk up Buddypress’ design and usability options a LOT. My particular configuration is moving the “My” subtab from the Profile out to each main tab. While I’ve found code to remove the subtabs from the Profile view, I found this post looking for how to add those subtabs, just as they are, to the main tabs.
Although your problem seems to be solved, I wanted to add this in – . On the right is a reference for some add_action functions. However, there’s a ton of stuff in there that has no documentation
Hi, I had the same issue trying to customize the nav bar. I never did find an id for those pages, but it turns out that the main navs are hard-coded into the header.php file, so I was able to manually edit those. After that comes a wp_list_pages function coded to automatically add any other pages that you make, and those page ids are of course available from the editor.
Welp, too late for the OP but in case anyone else gets this error when trying to get the BP Compatibility Pack working, here’s what fixed it for me.
1. Multisite enabled on your WP installation. You need to add a line to your wpconfig.php file to do so (unless there’s an admin menu I’ve missed). Here’s the directions:
2. Buddypress installed and activated. However, if you’re using the BP Compatibility Pack, it’s because you want to use your WP theme, so do not enable the Buddysite-specific theme.
3. BP Compatibility Pack installed and enabled, then you can do the walkthrough to set up BPCP and you won’t get the error.@r-a-y
Thanks! Sorry I didn’t reply sooner, I don’t have email notifications on for this site. That’s a neat piece of code for the library.Exact same problem as rsutaria ^^. I created a WPMU installation under, installed Buddypress, and chose the default template. Logged in as admin, I get a “Page Not Found -The page you were looking for was not found.” error when clicking the groups tab on the home page, and when navigating to members/admin/groups, I get what appears to be a page refresh and that’s all.
Prior to installing Buddypress, I had added the line for the comments template into the default template’s Page.php file. I had also had Blog Templates and Toggle_Admin_Menus plugins active, but disabling those and removing/reinstalling Buddypress didn’t fix this problem. I went through and ensured that the WPMU settings allowed new users and groups to be created and that the Buddypress settings were defaulted.
Any help would be great!