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  • @damoncook


    @DJPaul: thanks!



    I don’t mean to side-track the nature of this conversation (maybe I’m not), but as a developer in Higher-Ed arena I see a lot of potential for BP. There are a lot of buzz-words kicking around for the concepts of “open learning”: personal learning environments (PLE), communities of practice (COP), and these can be niche and community driven. I’m definitely in support of any ePortfolio endeavors as well. I would see these as being a series of plugins that rely on BP API, so that: Gradebook, Courses, DropBox could integrate with a user’s Activity Stream. Of course, granular levels of object permissions is ideal for users and admins. Great conversation!



    now I’m wondering if it has something to do with db charset or BP_CORE_DB_VERSION? What exactly does this do?



    @Bowe: ohh I didn’t realize that you were really aiming for an accordion. Awesome! I just got to the point where I was digging around and came across the Tabbed Widgets plugin, and I was wondering if it would be a better solution to create a plugin with the 4 or 5 BP widgets that I could plunk (technical term) into the Tabbed Widget corresponding areas.

    Perhaps I’ll just wait for your tutorial? hmmm…



    Well, I figured out how to make a Widget Plugin in 40 lines of code (55% being declaring the widget and GNU/GPL statement). Now I have to figure out how to check to see if BP is installed in order for the user to use the widget.

    I wonder if there is already a BP plugin that has something I can refer to? hmmm…off to the BP Plugins section to scavenge ;)



    @designodyssey: Yes, a widget will be more ideal. I’ll look into the necessary hooks and logic. Thanks for the suggestion.

    @r-a-y: What I’m having trouble with is my lack of PHP skills ;) …right now I’m good at copy-paste, but when I have more specifics of what walls I’m running into I’ll def post. Thanks for your pointers above. I’m going to check’em out right now.



    can’t wait! I’ve been looking for this for a long time. Thank you, thank you!



    @xevo: “Windows doesn’t have mod_rewrite,” I’m not a pro, but I didn’t think that mod_rewrite was something that Windows had, but more of Apache? I uploaded a php_info to see and we have mod_rewrite enabled. Its strange that this is the first I’ve heard of this, but perhaps I’ve always been lucky to be working on LAMP in all my previous WP/WPMU endeavors.



    my “server admin” is telling me that it might have something to do with the fact that we went from a Linux box to a Windows2K8 OS. Anyone encounter issues with this type of scenario? Anyone out there?



    ok, so I’ve completely deleted all Buddypress files and db tables, reuploaded plugin and activated and now it is not creating any tables. So this must be the problem, but not sure what it is? Why would BP not create tables on activation, and if it doesn’t why would it not display an error? I’m going to check my logs.



    I just found this post, because I finally hit the wall with my recent implementation. Users are going to want their stuff to be private. I can’t wait to see what comes of this AC. I would be happy to test Alpha releases.

    I also agree that the Privacy menu should be located in BP Settings area.



    I’m attempting to do something kinda similar. I just want to create a block (pardon my Drupal lingo) that shows a blog’s author information in my theme. I want to specifically show their BP custom fields.

    Right now I’ve copied over bp-sn-parent/profile/profile-loop.php to my theme and called: locate_template( array( 'profile/profile-loop.php' ), true ) but this gives me everything in the user’s profile. I would like to get a little more granular and just specify certain fields. hmmm

    Here is my current example as it exists.



    ok, I figured it out. Most of my users have a period in their username (i.e. firstname.lastname). WPMU/BP does not like. I’m going to convert to hyphen instead. Wow, what a headache ;/



    Ok, one major difference I’m noticing when comparing my local install and my live site it their htaccess and wp-config.php.

    For example, my local wp-config.php reads:

    $base = '/wordpress-mu/';
    define('DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE', 'localhost.localdomain' );
    define('PATH_CURRENT_SITE', '/wordpress-mu/' );

    while my site wp-config.php reads:

    $base = '/';
    define('DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE', '' );
    define('PATH_CURRENT_SITE', '/' );

    Does this make a difference to have the $base set?

    Also line #2 of my local .htaccess reads:

    RewriteBase /wordpress-mu/

    while site .htaccess reads:

    RewriteBase /

    I think this is typical, but just want to verify?



    I just did a fresh local install of WPMU and BP and it works fine. ugh! I’m going to get to the bottom of this.



    Ok, I deleted everything except my database. I re-installed WPMU. I uploaded a few WP themes to the themes directory for my users. I checked to make sure all the existing sites were all ok and they were. I uploaded BP on this “clean” install and enabled “site-wide”, and enabled BP-Default theme. Went to the home site and it is still causing the same issue. I have no plugins or mu-plugins installed except for BP. ugh!



    Is there an issue with having periods in username? i.e. damon.cook



    Nope. This has done nothing. Still same problem. I might try deleting all my mu-plugins and plugins and re-installing when I get another moment, but I’m open for suggestions.



    I’m attempting a clean BP 1.1.1 install and I’ll report back.



    @ DJ Paul: I tried that already.





    @Jeff Sayre

    I’ve posted a new topic, and changed my user name.

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