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  • @danka


    The error is in line 54/55 in bp-loader.php, when calling bp_loaded() , what it means?



    Hi David,

    Yes, you are right, but it is very very strange…

    I will try to contact Andy to ask about it.

    By the way, thanks for the reply.



    Thanks a Lot, for fast replying and for the plugin!!!

    I never noticed the existence of this one!

    But, there are any plan of making it official part of Buddypress? It would be really useful.

    Thanks Again. Best Regards.




    Thanks for ones that replied me!

    I just got the whole thing to work, but I am having another problem.

    So, I am starting a new post.





    I tried buddypress in another server, and it gave me a blank page… so, I think it is not problem on the server side, right?



    I done a clean install twice times with WPmu and more one with WP, with all the recommendations… and got the very same problem…

    the theme used is just the one available on the pack, not the old one… and I dont changed any thing on the pack…



    Maybe is not the memory limit….

    I used the plugin and I got it:

    PHP Version : 5.2.6 / 32Bit OS

    Memory limit : 128 MByte

    Memory usage : 12.61 MByte

    I also noticed that I was wrong about the PHP version :-/

    There are any other possibility of thing to have problem with buddypress?




    Forget about the last post, I just noticed that I forgot to put one extra “d” on the name of the folder…

    But, I done 2 tests with the last buddypress I got on SVN [BP 1.2 RC3 b2715], the first was in WP 2.9.1, the second in WPmu, both tests on the same server… both tests gave the same error [500, internal server error].

    About the memory limit, I still dont have idea about it, why the memory limit would be the problem? How much memory buddypress need to run?



    I dont have the lesser idea about the memory limit…but I think it is small, something like 8 or 16 Mb… How I can solve it?

    I tried buddypress also on this other configuration:

    WPmu + PHP 5.2.3 + BP 1.2 RC3 b2715

    It gave me this error:

    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.

    Warning: require_once(/home/www/ [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/www/ on line 19




    I dont know why, but I am getting error 500, internal server error… what it means?

    I configured all as said on requirements…

    I am using WP 2.9.1 + PHP 5.2.3 + BP 1.2 RC3

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