Anonymous replied to the topic What’s the best way to handle SEO optimization with BP? in the forum Miscellaneous 11 years, 8 months ago
There is very fine solution for the problem of seo with buddypress. You just have to use yoast seo plugin and modify one file.
There will be solution for the titles of groups, group forums and member pages.
More details when you follow the link.
Anonymous replied to the topic How do I get Yoast SEO to work with Buddypress in the forum Third Party Plugins 11 years, 8 months ago
I had the same problem with yoast seo for buddypress and I’ve found this solution, maybe it isn’t the cleanest one but it works for groups, group forums and members. http://latinosparis.com/simplecode/buddypress-seo-problem-with-yoast-plugin-solved/
Hope it will help!
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