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  • @diesellaws


    I would love to follow in the footsteps of others and fix this also but WPMU doesn’t have the MISCELLANEOUS settings. If anyone can find a work around for this then let me know.



    1. To be honest, I am not sure how I could have done that if I did. I am pretty sure I installed it all normally then created a new blog (as the main blog for latest updates etc) but the main website should still be on blog 1. EDIT: Just checked and my main website blog is installed on ID 1.

    2. Yes, in that folder it is cropping correctly, and the above Screenshots have been uploaded to the website and they too have been cropped in the /wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files directory.

    Unfortunately it looks like we are back to square one! Thanks for the ongoing help mercime. Did you want a chance to dig around my ftp?



    This may have something to do with it?

    My uploads for the avatars are automatically going into

    /wp-content/uploads/avatars (and then the number for the user)

    all my other photos uploaded to the blogs go into




    The avatar folders are there and the main picture I upload is being saved in there, but it is not creating different sizes. On the page itself it is showing at this point SCREENSHOT-

    So for some reason, the whole cropping function is not even working. And I have tried it by disabling all the plugins except for buddypress and it still does the same thing.

    This morning I Automatically upgraded to the latest wordpress and latest Buddypress using the auto update buttons. I don’t really want to re-upload the whole thing again due to the time it takes and also (as it was just upgraded this morning) I do not believe it will change the current outcome. Unless you disagree then I will do it all again.

    The main blog folder (which is number 2) is now 777 and re-uploading a new picture did the same thing. Picture shows up in the FTP area, but no crops and the page shows the SCREENSHOT again –

    Apart from the glitch with the avatar not showing up to crop, I feel this is an issue that a lot of other people are facing but instead of fixing it they delete/ reinstall everything. And Im not really able to do that as the website has a few hundred poeple on it.



    As I stated in my first post I dont’t have Miscellaneous settings on WPMU!

    Also, please note that I do not have access to MISCELLANEOUS in the Settings area due to using WPMU.

    Just to clarify visually:



    I have just deactivated all plugins, reset to default theme and tried again. Same issue as the screenshot.

    What should I have in my rewrite file?



    Can anyone please direct me to where I can actually allow the Miscellaneous Tab on WPMU? I have no upload access at all. I would love to re-instate avatars, allow image uploads etc.

    Please ignore – I have started a new thread.



    I use the chat function from the WIBIYA TOOLBAR, works great and can have video conferencing too. It worked great (except for lag issues) with our CHAT YOUR FACE OFF EVENT –



    Don’t worry mate, I have requested the same thing to a silent developers crowd. There are a lot of other things in the build at the moment and I also think this is a very important step for the platform. Hopefully someone gets onto this soon, but hey, they’re doing it for free so we can’t rush anyone.



    I must be going nuts because I have full admin rights but don’t have Miscellaneous on WordPress MU 2.9 – anyone know what’s going on?



    Wow. That is some awesome work. Nice one Modemlooper! It’s going to be a HUGGGGE money maker for you and well deserved.



    Thanks finni3



    I did the same thing. It works now, but I have a notification that is ‘stuck’ on 1. How do you refresh those tables/drop bad ones in mysql?

    EDIT: All fixed now – it was a Javascript conflict with the Wibiya toolbar.



    Thats great, thanks Andy.



    I use the chat add on from Wibiya Toolbar (Tiny Chat) and we had a big event with over 30 people in the chat room at once(! it worked great but there is no friend feature. The good thing though is that it puts a little number in brackets next to the Join Chat button on the bottom toolbar so you know how many people are in the chat – but would love a buddypress chat option – it would surely kick Facebooks dodgy chat!



    Thank you everyone! Much appreciated!

    @Andy, I will definitely do this Andy, thanks for the heads up.



    @mercime – thanks! More to come…



    The fatal error you are receiving is probably from not disabling buddypress linked plugins and THEN the actual Buddypress plugin itself BEFORE upgrading (Read more here – I have crashed my site in the past from doing this. My theme itself really only has minor code changes and it’s not really possible to crash a whole site as it takes most of the code from the default theme.

    The Unplugged theme also works ONLY with Buddypress 1.2rc+ and WordPress 2.91+. Installing Buddypress on a wordpress website in general may be a steep learning curve at the start but please read all the instructions on that link to guide you through.



    Do it! Dooooo it!



    Thanks so much Andrea!

    Also, just wanted to say that Andy and Andrea, love your work and guidance with heaps of info over time about the Buddypress and WordPress platforms. Your posts have helped me a lot!



    Ok, it should be all fixed now. Thank you for helping me get it it where it needed to be. Also, just as a note Andy (and anyone else), the above codes do not have the CSS folder in them – they should be –

    /* Inherit the default theme styles */

    url( ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/css/default.css );

    /* Inherit the admin bar styles */

    url( ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/css/adminbar.css );

    Please re-check this child theme by getting the new version here –



    Oh god, I feel like a dork. Sorry, I have now updated to WPMU 2.9 – it works.

    Ok, everything you said makes so much sense, I will get to changing this right now and get it fixed asap. Thank you for all your help!

    Also, i may need someone else to upload it to the WP repository on my behalf if I cant get it to work – once I have finished fixing it of course.



    Just to clarify/addon to the above: You want me to remove all the css codes from default.css EXCEPT for the things that have changed – e.g the colour codes?



    Thanks Bowe!

    @Andy – As I am totally new to theme styling I copied all the default.css template over due to the total rework in that file. Pretty much all the colours have changed. if possible, Could someone (or yourself) please modify it so it doesnt load the css twice yet keeps all the same colours of the theme – essentially, the colours are the main things that have changed.

    Yes my instructions do stipulate that as I had many issues with this. When I had the Child Theme linked to Template: bp-default it never registered the bp-default theme in the buddypress plugin area. Then I went to the theme page and it said Stylesheet is missing for the theme. So, then I COPIED the bp-default theme out of the Buddypress plugin area and it automatically worked and registered it. I think its due to the Child theme being in wp-content/themes and the default theme being in plugins/buddypress/bp-themes area.

    Please double check but it does not work without me pulling the bp-default theme out.

    Also I already posted abut the repository above – (In case anyone asks, I have tried multiple times to submit this to the WordPress Extend Themes Depo but it keeps saying it is not a zip file I have uploaded. I have even downloaded Safari JUST to upload the theme with the same error response. So that is why I am hosting it on my website.)

    It wont let me upload the zip file no matter how hard I try and I have tried on firefox, chrome, IE and Safari.



    Where can I ask if this feature is being developed by anyone?

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