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  • @driftless1


    This site looks awesome. I’ve been trying to figure out how to replicate the stackpress model…

    Would you mind sharing your complete list of plugins?



    I’m noticing this behavior as well – even though it was ‘fixed’ in April …

    Don’t know if that fix was included in the latest release?



    Woohoo! Persistence pays… Once again, thanks to boone and r-a-y

    Found the solution here:

    Wraped it all in a

    `if ( groups_get_groupmeta( $bp->groups->current_group->id, ‘forum_only’ ) ) {`

    wrapper – and we’re golden.

    Now back to the easily-changeable groupmetadata thing…



    Hmmm. Well, I can kill the home tab, but since thats the default landing for a group, it means I get kicked to the site homepage whenever I try to open a group…

    Ok… so now to find how to change the default landing page of a group.



    I see a partial solution here: (thanks boone)

    The only other things I need to complete the process is a way for the end-user to easily set groupmeta. Can’t have em mucking about in the db now can we…




    Great response –

    I agree its up to the users to see what they are comfortable with… I’m running into the issue that the site I am developing is mainly for non-native English speakers so the subtleties of Blog Comment vs. Forum Topic, vs Status Update are maybe a little too subtle, yet I have to enable all of these in Buddypress to get all the features I need.

    I wonder if Buddypress should take the plunge and REDEFINE the nature of online conversations… do away with these arbitrary titles. Maybe every post has an option: Start a conversation or Post an aside. The conversation have all the trappings of forum posts of threaded blog comments, and the asides get kicked the one-off area.

    Hmmm… still working through this in my mind.



    Hi @Bpisimone

    No worries – I’ve been using Filosofo Remove Dashboard plugin from wordpress. And I fixed the above issue by adding:

    if (preg_match(‘#wp-admin/?(.*)?$#’,$_SERVER) && (‘index.php’ != $menu[$page][2])) //send everything packing

    Around line 53 – just below the index.php redirect.

    Hope that helps.

    Now.. back to our regularly scheduled GroupBlog question ;)



    Hi @Beckb – I was seeing it in the GROP -> FORUM tab… however, now Admin can see all forum topics…. but it was there! I swear!

    I will get back with more information if it happens again.



    Addendum – I see a similar (7 month old) thread here: that also tackles this issue…

    It seems this is not a new idea – but perhaps an idea who’s time has come? Can Buddypress gracefully accept a back-seat to the main website?

    In point of fact, I am using my installs of buddypress as completely separate sites from their parents ( and to avoid the collision…

    Is buddypress more like the Green Room where actors hang out and throw back mixed drinks before bounding on stage for the world to see (the Blog)… I imagine a large room with several doors leading out to the world. Buddypress being the behind-the-scenes hang-out…

    OK. Back to coding.



    OK. I’ve been struggling with this concept as well… and just wrote a rant (of sorts) here

    I think this question has been fielded enough times that it is indicating a bigger issue. It all makes sense once you figure it out – but should a site need “figuring out”?

    I would be curious to get some other ideas.



    @intimez – good info – thanks.

    I also came across this code:

    Which promises to hide the “invite friend” links (haven’t had success yet…)–

    Or you can create a child theme that removes the links from your template… Though really, I agree the system should be more set up like this:

    Public — anything goes
    Private — only mods and admins can INVITE (not just approve)
    Hidden — same as private – only others can’t see




    Hi –

    To revive this discussion: I am curious if anyone has further light to shed on this. I think I see where the listing in the members -> recent activity comes from (xprofile_data) but where does the “members all” come from – direct from the WP_users table?

    Now – the issue I have with this, is I have Buddypress in a sub-blog: that I give selective access to certain users registered for . I was hoping that when I made them a memeber of the Multi-Site subsite /community/ they would have access to Buddypress (and only then) — and I sure don’t want wp-users that are not part of the “community” listed in Buddypress.

    Any thoughts?





    I find the same issue – almost a full screen of deprecated function notices and the like, my site is entirely unusable. Of course, as you point out, one can disable the debug function – but since I am developing sites and plugins, I find the debug to be extremely valuable…

    Any roadmap on when those errors might be cleaned out? Any way a guy can help?


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