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  • @drmunden


    Still no reply from anyone – as with another of my posts. :(



    Anyone with an idea?



    Above should read:

    global $wp_query;
    query_posts( array(
    ‘post_type’ => ‘movies’ ,
    “genre” => “horror”, “comedy”,
    ‘showposts’ => 10)

    This definately works in a WP 3.0 template. Thanks



    A further q: I have searched but cannot find a clear tutorial or advice on doing a clean reinstall of Buddypress. I have tried deactivating BP, then dropping all BP tables, then reinstalling the plugin etc. and it still doesn’t linkup. I think I’ve got some sort of code hanging around from my local PC files which were copied to my live server. Can anyone show me the right way to start again, and clean out all BP files? Thanks



    Thanks for quick reply @boonebgorges , but I’ve tried all the permalink options. A couple of things that might help to identify the problem: 1) If I create a link, this finds the BP activity index page but subsequent links within that page revert to 404’s e.g. or any other. This seems to indicate that BP is in the wrong directory? and 2) When I use /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%/ permalinks, I get returns a 404. Please note that with all other pages and links generated via WordPress Dashboard works fine with or without BP installed. I use Siteground ( who I am sure have rewrite mods enabled. Do you think I should copy BP files into a higher directory away from my theme directory? Should I load a BP functions file into the root directory like the Forum component (e.g. public_html/bb-config.php)?
    One other thing : when I copied from my home PC using FIlezilla, I copied into the www directory, not into the public_html directory. I am not sure what the www directory does? Does it replicate whatever is in the public_html? Hope you cn help.



    Hi – did u solve this problem? I cannot see any code to use in your link. I just moved my BP1.2.3./WP 3.0 (theme = twentyten) from local to live server. All the BP links were working fine on my computer, but strangely I cannot get anything BP related to work on my live site. I have tried deleting the BP Db tables, reinstalling etc. but I just cannot work it out. Why would it make any difference on live server? The BP directories and files are in the same relative positions…very frustrated. Wd really appreciate some help. Thanks



    Hi – did u solve this? I have installed BP 1.2.3 onto WP 3.0 beta 2 and it works final on localhost, but I am getting 404’s on all the BP pages on my live site. I have tried all kinds of permalinks settings, but nothing works. I suppose 1.2.3 is not ready for WP 3.0 but I did have this working locally? Very strange. ny pointers anyone? Thanks

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