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  • @epgb101


    OK UPDATE: the issue was ‘Grimlock for Buddypress’ plugin which Theomosarus have just updated. It’s fixed the profile /members/ display page – but not the /groups/ page. Perhaps they are aware of that and working on it. Here was their note on their update;

    1.5.3 – 2024-05-02
    Fix members list display with BuddyPress 12.4.1+

    If anyone can contact them regarding the same issue exists with /groups/ that would be great as I can’t reach them.



    This may seem an odd request but I’m sure others will have this issue if they choose to run membership mode.

    I badly need a way to add a ‘Account viewed but needs further verification’ type of note/flag to new signup accounts that I need to more carefully review (where I’ve checked profile data entered in signup fields but not approved or activated) and filter these out in Manage new Signups.

    Not being able to do this is making my request membership site impossible to manage, as I can’t easily find new signups amongst the one I’ve looked at but need further verification.

    I now have a massive list of unapproved signup pages to scroll through – and – keep re-looking at signups I already checked. But this is not a complaint – I love everything you do with BP 🙂




    Can’t use it – only works on activated users screen – not signups



    Update: I’m going to try to use AdminColumns Plugin and a custom field that I can filter users for this if anyone has the same issue.



    PS – also Im sure it should have the most basic feature of Twitter; ie Follow (and/or Like) (with a way to set it for social or singles respectively). At least Follow?



    Hello all…
    I don’t know if I’ve missed something in BP setup (love BP plugin by the way – brilliant!) – but as users join my site (quite a few each day) – all they get in /activity/ is endless photo/profile/join updates – so posting anything else like news or interesting stuff in /activity/ is almost pointless as you have to scroll through knee-deep uninteresting photo updates no one wants to see. Perhaps photo updates and similarly basic updates should only show your friends activity – not everyone (or perhaps be able to set what appears more granularly at least the basics?).
    Sorry if there is already way to do this – either way, filtering the activity stream a bit better would be a great update (/activity/ page to me the is one/thee main hub of the site but it is not at the moment – so needs to show only interesting stuff. Rome was not built in a day so I’m vey pleased with BP as it is 🙂



    Sure Mathieu sounds good – what about ‘simply’ (nothing is simple I know) bundling future BP release with BuddyX Theme installer – as you know, that is a great looking BP theme out of the box and FREE! – but I wager not everyone would find out about BuddyX until after they’ve tried and possibly failed to get a good look with the std WP themes. Thanks.



    ps – I LOVE the private community update, and everything else you’ve done – I feel spoiled really – hence why I want it to be even more successful 🙂



    Where do I add my feedback on what Buddypress needs to be taken up by more websites?
    Life’s too short – I’ll just write it here and be brutally honest as a semi-techie (most users?). I saw this; “I think the number one problem is the UI. Most people install BuddyPress on their or a default theme and the result is not pretty. This deters most people and makes them look for other solutions.” THIS is the problem. Its VERY VERY ugly out of the box and VERY hard to get looking anything like facebook or anything nice. Yet I know it’s great spftware / platform!!!! How frustrating is that?!! I tried many months to get it looking good – and EVENTUALLY found a great theme and it looks v good now – BOY was it hard and in the meantime I used Peepso – but all the while I WANTED TO USE Buddypress!! – as I much prefer the community around it and the fact it’s built by you wordpress folk. Pack it with one SINGLE graet theme – and it will rocket. My two cents.



    UPDATE (semi-fixed) – I turned off ALL fields under Profile Fields > Signup Fields except default First Name and now signup worked again. So I guess its a process of elimination to see which signup field has some wrong setting. Hope that helps someone out there.



    I have had the fantastic Buddypress working perfectly for a year on a folder install of WP (not multisite) like;

    But I discovered for the last week people are no longer able to register (it just returns you to /register page). I disabled ALL plugins did not fix /register – HOWEVER disabling Buddypress plugin (and all other plugins) does allow registration on plain WordPress. I tried registering on Buddypress on different browsers / different PCs / using 20-19 theme etc but nothing fixes it.

    Q: does anyone have any suggestion as why /register may have stopped or how to fix?

    ps – I have Settings > Anyone can register [x] on and permalinks set to Post name

    Thank you in advance.



    Hi there..
    My BP site worked perfectly – a little slow so I added Cloudflare – but it stopped emails. So I reset DNS to how it was before and removed Cloudflare plugin and now I still have the registration page but no body can register. Did anyone discover the fix?



    I mean – is it possible to stop username login – and only allow email?
    Thank you 🙂



    Thank you for that I will try that now – I am v grateful.

    Can I ask 1 more Q; should this restore additional emails from plugins (like group functionality expanding or invite plugins) or will I need to reinstall every plugin from scratch? That would be a nightmare.



    Thank you for that – but I was hoping for the link to open the actual group itself listed under /me/groups/
    Like how would I link to this:



    Hi – Id like to add menu link directly to a user’s group (I have set it so they can only create 1 group). Is there anything like /me/ function (which is great for creating links to open user’s profile tabs) for groups? Like:

    I see above you have said one might use; bp_get_group_permalink( $group ); to link to a group.
    Q: where would this code go exactly if I wanted to make a menu link under users profile thumbnail top right?




    Does anyone know how to create a custom menu link to a user’s group like; My Group
    (I set number of groups a user can create to 1)



    Hi thanks – I cant paste a link to screenshot link – trying plain text;

    I checked again. Here’s what I get (see Last name text field)..
    (sorry – pastebin takes a while to open)

    It may be my theme but Im sending just in case



    Thanks – then it may be the theme I’m using. I’ll check again…



    I’d like to report possible bug (correct me if wrong) I think is fairly serious.

    When I create signup field and set Visibility to ‘Only Me’ (or any option) – it always shows on front end as ‘This field can be seen by: Everyone’. This happens if I set it to Allow members to override or Enforce field visibility. Im having to resort to writing confusing message under field..

    This field will not actually be visible to other members.
    This field can be seen by: Everyone (auto-message)

    Perhaps I’m wrong, but I just got berated by user signing up and had to explain it would not be visible to other users. Am I doing this wrong?

    Thanks – still love the plugin 🙂



    Thank you all for this brilliant update! – just happens to be the 3 things I needed (T&Cs link in signup/ rearrange signup fields/invites) What are the chances?!:)



    Hey anyone – how would I make the custom field date format selector setup show just “Age” – and not “Age years old”? eg. 20 and not 20 years old.




    The issue was Mailgun plugin – active but not configured properly.



    Seems to be down to 1 plugin – I will update this page in a minute for anyone that has same problem.



    Works on 1 of my sites – on the other I get:
    “There was a problem sending that invitation. The user could already be a member of the site or have chosen not to receive invitations from this site.”
    The emails are not members and not chosen not to receive emails. The invites are queued up under Manage Invites but not getting sent.

    My WP/BP site is installed in folder like: – I don’t know if that is the cause?

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