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  • @epsi


    Use firebug and web developer in firefox add on.

    Try disable css file or part of it.

    I have this problem once, and found the solution after trace the problem with firebug.



    Hi! I’ve sent ‘Bahasa Indonesia’ translation via private message to @foxly.

    Language: Indonesia (id_ID)

    I just want to say thank you for this great bp-album.

    Hope my community would love this feature (plugin) too

    after my site officially launched someday.


    * Main BP ‘Bahasa Indonesia’ translator is @sofyand

    * My alumni bp site (trial) is



    I like to try any plugin and, hei…

    , this Rate Forum Posts plugin looks cool.

    It is fine in my localhost but I found this error in live site

    WordPress database error You have an error in your SQL syntax;

    check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near

    ‘WHERE object_type = ‘bb_post’ AND meta_key = ‘rfp_rating’ AND object_id = 1′ at line 1 for query

    SELECT meta_value FROM WHERE object_type = ‘bb_post’ AND meta_key = ‘rfp_rating’ AND object_id = 1

    made by require, require_once, do_action, call_user_func_array, bp_core_do_catch_uri, load_template, require_once, locate_template, load_template, require_once, do_action, call_user_func_array, rfp_after_topic_title, rfp_get_post_rating_signed, rfp_get_post_rating

    It solved by adding code below in

    require_once ABSPATH.’bb-config.php’;

    global $bb_table_prefix, $bb_meta_table;

    $bb_meta_table = $bb_table_prefix . ‘meta’;

    Thanks for the plugin.

    Now it works. But since I’m still a WP noob.

    I don’t know if it is politically correct.



    I ‘like’ @hempsworth ‘s rating plugin.

    I just don’t think options table is the right place to store language translation.

    I have to delete bp_like_settings from sitemeta table with phpmyadmin.

    Then reactivate this plugin before my translation shown up.

    But after all. I vote this plugin to be in the core

    before other developer make other rating capability in their plugin.




    Skeleton is exactly what developer need to code the right way.

    I’m using BP 1.2 over WPMU

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_core_get_userurl() in /var/www/alumni/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-skeleton-component/includes/bp-example-core.php on line 645

    It happens after login for non-admin user.

    I found function

    bp_core_get_userurl( $uid ) in BP 1.1.3 line bp-core.php:174,

    But only function

    bp_core_get_userlink in BP 1.2 bp-core.php:1096

    Am I just a fool, or this function has been deprecated?


    Thank you so much for this sample component.



    Firebug is a must, other is optional.

    System: Lenny (debian), Apache, MySQL, PHP

    Desktop: XFCE

    PC: my old slow Pentium III

    Firefox Browser: Firebug, Web Developer, Color Picker, Measure It

    Editor: Geany

    Image: GIMP

    FTP: Filezilla

    Database: PhpMyAdmin

    Command line: $ msgfmt (translation), and $ svn

    CMS: WordPress ;-)

    Framework: None. BuddyPress Core… perhaps someday

    w3school , I always looking for css reference.

    Guess.. my brain is no compete for those ever growing reference.

    And last…

    My sister’s notebook to test css in ie6, ie7, chrome.

    ~epsi — Learning WP since 23 Dec 2009



    Cheers Anton,

    Dunno ’bout elegant solution,

    But I found something that works.

    BP 1.2 has “action” field in its wp_bp_activity table.

    This field should not be empty.

    Yeah, I know that’s smells like phpmyadmin.

    Compare an activity made by BP 1.1.3 and BP 1.2 side by side with phpmyadmin.

    One good example is deprecated bp-status component

    you can morph’em into this one

    — component: activity

    — type: activity_update

    — content: [erase anything but your status]

    — primary link: [no need any href] http://wpmu.local/members/antonrsa/

    — action: [a href=”…” title=”antonrsa”]Anton[/a] posted an update:

    For quick fix, just change the action field.

    Be careful while experimenting with this. I’m a BP noob.



    Use wp_list_pages in bp_nav_items action to display all pages in tab menu.

    define( 'BP_CUSTOM_PAGE_SLUG', 'overview' );
    add_action( 'bp_nav_items', my_bp_nav_items);

    function my_bp_nav_items () {
    // wp_list_pages('title_li=');
    $class = is_page( BP_CUSTOM_PAGE_SLUG )? 'class="selected"' : '';
    $url = get_bloginfo('url').'/blog/'.BP_CUSTOM_PAGE_SLUG;
    <li<?php echo $class; ?><a href="<?php echo $url; ?>"
    title="<?php _e( 'Overview ', 'oc' ); ?>">
    <?php _e( 'Overview', 'oc' ); ?>
    <?php }



    Though it is hardcoded in function bp_activity_content_filter in bp-activity-templatetags.php

    We can still comment those ‘the exploded %s’ and bp_activity_insert_time_since .

    The more I see the code,

    The more I appreciate BP coders ( Mr Peatling? ).



    use stylesheet_directory instead.

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