[Poll] Which development tools do you use
Howdy! I want to start developing and wanted to know what tools everyone uses (IDEs, DB management, PHP debugging). This is what I currently use but I want to use more advanced tools to help me develop/troubleshoot quicker.
1. Notepad ++
2. FireFox WebDeveloper Plugin
3. Phpmyadmin
Thanks everyone.
none of the above… i’m on a Mac, i use BBEdit… i’m a web developer, i need a tool, not a free alternative.
CCS Dev/Debug: CSSEdit
DB: Sequel Pro
I’ve looked at TextMate and Espresso… but I keep coming back to good old BBEdit. And I could not do my job without CSSEdit. That program is insanely great. For CSS at least… it’s far better and more useful than Firebug.
On a mac here but i use
Coda for xhtml/css
firebug + colorpicker plugin for FF for css tuning
forklift for ftp and folder syncing
mamp for the local server
dropbox + time machine for online and offline backup
adobe browserlab for browser testing
online w3 css/xhtml validation tool
I cant do much without these tools I love them all!
Netbeans, Xdebug, and Firebug are all free and all you need.
Netbeans has jQuery code completion, yeah.
@Bowe and any other Mac users… check out CSSEdit by MacRabbit. It’s insane. I couldn’t live without it.
Also… how do you find the online screenshot method of testing? I’d think that would be a pain? I have always tested with the actual browsers locally on my Mac (using Parallels for IE 6/7/
. The site would have to be online of course to use something like browserlab. I’m not dismissing it… I’m just curious.
Depends on your OS.
We’re on Linux boxes here, so – NetBeans, phpEdit, firebug and whatever tools you find common on linux-based hosting.
I look at IE screenshots here:
or on my kid’s computer.
It has winxp.
Yes, it’s a pain.
Pen & paper, TextMate, Sequel Pro for MySQL and a good, old-fashioned Terminal window for viewing logs.
Heh, pen & paper – me too!
Terminal was a given, I thought. Phpmyadmin or terminal for db work here.
Online browser testing is pretty annoying.. But I also don’t want to clutter my working machine with virtual windows.. anything windows related I want to keep away from my mac
.. But I agree it’s the best option, so I might install it in the near future to test!
CSSEdit looks slick.. I’ll try to get a trial and check it out
Notepad++ for spot edits
IIS for easy local site deployment on Windows 7
phpMyAdmin of course
Firefox + Firebug for peeking at source; Google Chrome for speedy previews of changes
Pidgin for IRC
Skype for work
Tweetdeck for staying connected to the outside world
Pandora for a random music mix
Whiskey, because it makes everything better…
Human-neural interface for instant code-from-brain to Mac programming. Very hush hush and top secret stuff. I can’t provide source to device as only three exist in the world. I can write roughly 20,000 lines of code in an hour with this setup.
When I get bored with this, I switch back to the archaic methods:
1. Coda (comes with Transmit, a great FTP client)
2. Firefox with various addons
3. CSSEdit
4. Tricked-out MAMP standard with custom DNS and mail server for local dev
5. A Belkin DVI KVM to share my big Apple cinema with my MBPro and Mac Tower
6. A few alien programs
7. A few gallons of Tazo Chai Tea
I’ve used just about every IDE known to man–and a few not known to man. I prefer Coda to NetBeans for PHP dev but NetBeans hands down for Python dev.
Css Edit
Vmware to check sites in windows browsers
TextWrangler for code
I mainly use Chrome developer tools instead of Firebug
Cyberduck for FTP/SFTP
phpMyAdmin for databases
I should get out more
Aptana Studio with the old Aptana PHP plugin
Firebug with various extensions
Fireworks MX from ages ago
SwishMax for flash from ages ago
Camstudio and Photoshop Premiere Elements for tutorials
Actually use Excel for calculating layouts and formatting for different resolutions
Firefox with Firebug,
coffee machine (should probably be no 1)…
TopStyle light
Firefox with Firebug,
Fender Stratocaster,
Nespresso, what else ?
Can I count my Wii, the elliptical trainer and the mp3 player as well then?
Whatever gets you going, Andrea
Firebug is a must, other is optional.
System: Lenny (debian), Apache, MySQL, PHP
Desktop: XFCE
PC: my old slow Pentium III
Firefox Browser: Firebug, Web Developer, Color Picker, Measure It
Editor: Geany
Image: GIMP
FTP: Filezilla
Database: PhpMyAdmin
Command line: $ msgfmt (translation), and $ svn
CMS: WordPress
Framework: None. BuddyPress Core… perhaps someday
w3school , I always looking for css reference.
Guess.. my brain is no compete for those ever growing reference.
And last…
My sister’s notebook to test css in ie6, ie7, chrome.
~epsi — Learning WP since 23 Dec 2009
OSX, Terminal, Textmate, Navicat , Changes, CSSedit, Safari (webkit), Transmit/CyberDuck, Quicksilver, http://github.com/ciaran/projectplus, http://github.com/fspeirs/changes-tmbundle
~ and if I absolutely must crank up bill’s operating system for it’s devil spawn browser child “Explorer” ~ than it’s Notepad ++ Firefox /Firebug and WinSCP
I know I don’t know as much as I can and in doing so, I know enough.
Read the Readme.txt and don’t hack the core.
Notepad++ as the editor for WinSCP, Firebug+Web Developer, Photoshop.
I use a free tool Valentina Studio http://www.valentina-db.com/en/valentina-studio-overview at the moment. Does everything you need, and does it very well.
I’d like to reccomend a MySQL DB management tool – dbForge Studio for MySQL by Devart. Lots of features, simple in use.
You can start using FREE trial version for 30-days period. If you need only basic functionality you are welcome to download totally free express version!Photoshop
Adobe Dreamweaver
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