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  • @faramarz


    @hnla I think you are right, when I check my error log I get this error:

    [28-Jul-2013 22:51:11] PHP Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/extend/buddypress/group.php on line 461

    How to submit a ticket to BP and report this bug for tracking?



    @mercime sorry for keep bugging you, but is this solution something you recommend?



    Hi, Thanks again @mercime, you are a life saver.. Looking at the thread, looks like this is a Buddypress issue and not bbpress. I see a lot of people are fixing the issue by replacing the ‘groups’ folder with the one in version 1.7.3. Is that something that you or Buddypress peeps recommend? Is that going to cause other problems down the road?

    For one thing, I know the group folder will be overwritten again when a new update is available.



    @mercime.. I am still getting the same error even after changing my URL and my subdomain. When I check my error_log file, I get this error:

    [28-Jul-2013 22:51:11] PHP Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/extend/buddypress/group.php on line 461

    I’ll post this question in BBpress forum as well. I thought maybe you’ve experienced the same issue before.

    This is on bbpress 2.3.2 and buddypress 1.8 and I followed every step of instructions on this page to create a sitewide forum and forum for buddypress groups:




    Update: I figured out what the problem was. When I created a Wildcard, my hosting cPanel adds the word ‘Wildcard’ to the end of my document root, so my document root was /public_html/Wildcard. I changed it to /public_html and that fixed the subdomain issue. Now is accessible via admin and browser :). I guess I don’t need to install the Domain Mapping plugin anymore, and I am still not sure what exactly that plugin does.

    Now back to fixing the Forum/Group issue.



    The more I read, the more I understand how much I do not know about Multisites. I read something about WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin. Is that something that I need to install to enable my sub-domain website? So far, I have only created a Wildcard in my host.

    Please note: I do not want my users to create their own websites (and sub-domains). I only want to have one main site (I decided to get rid of www) and one Community site for BuddyPress which is:




    @mercime first I want to thank you for your help and support.

    I started over fresh, restored my database, disabled WordPress Multisite, changed my website URL structure in my single site to (no more wwww).. then I reactivated Multisite and recreated my community site and this time WordPress allowed my to create it as a subdomain.. so now I have but when I tried to View the site in browser, I got this error: “Oops! Google Chrome could not find”.. then I remembered I did not create a Wildcard.. I created a Wildcard as this articles describes but that didn’t really help.. I thought maybe it’s the cache issue. Today, I do not get the same error as last night (“Oops!…”) but instead, I get to a Bluehost page (my hosting company).. Looks like I am getting close but I guess I am missing a step or something. I posted this question on WordPress Multisite forum but unfortunately no responses yet.

    Do you have any idea what I am missing? Thanks



    @mercime.. will do. Question, do I have to configure a wildcard for my websites? Here is my scenario: I have one main site WITHOUT buddypress installed and a sub-site WITH buddypress and I only want to have these features on my sub-site: Forums, Groups, Extended user profiles, Private messaging and Friends connection.

    Also, I want my sites addresses to look like these

    My Community site: .. also (without www) should be accessible

    And my main site: and (without www) should be accessible.

    What kind of settings should I use to accomplish this?



    @mercime thanks for looking into this. I am using WP 3.5.2 and BP 1.8 I upgraded from the previous version and I am hosted on Bluehost.

    Something really strange is going on, I tried to login today and my was redirecting me back to I looked at my database and I saw my Siteurl and home tables were changed to (which is my community site) .. I manually changed my Siteurl and home back to and now I can login to wp-admin but when I try to browse the community site ( it says page not found. If I change my Siteurl and home in database to then both sites work but I can access my wp-admin only via and not Is this normal that the database tables Siteurl and home change to my community site address?

    I am going to follow your instructions and read the links you provided to see if I can figure out what’s going on with the Forum/Groups issue.




    @mercime, nobody replied to this thread. I was wondering if you could shed a light on this or show me some direction. I would appreciate it.



    @mercime .. I found the problem. It was my CSS file. I added something in my style.css to remove the site name and use an image logo instead, so I used this for my logo link:

    h1#logo a {
    	display: block;
    	width: inherit;
    	height: inherit;
    	padding-top: 9999px;
    	overflow: hidden;

    the padding-top was hovering over all Groups, Members and Profile links and of course it was taking you to home page because I was actually clicking on logo URL. duh!!!

    Sorry for this confusion and thanks.



    okay, I just removed the line I added to my header.php in my child theme, now the CSS of the website is broken BUT the redirection is not happening and the links are working. This is strange.



    @mercime the only plugin I am using is bbPress and the only modification I made to header.php is adding this:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>" type="text/css" media="screen" />

    and my functions.php only has this code:

    if ( !function_exists( 'bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles' ) ) :
        function bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles() {}



    @shanebp thanks man.

    This is the right code for BP 1.5+

    `function remove_xprofile_links() {
    remove_filter( ‘bp_get_the_profile_field_value’, ‘xprofile_filter_link_profile_data’, 9, 2 );
    add_action( ‘bp_init’, ‘remove_xprofile_links’ );`

    It should be added to bp-custom.php



    looks like this plugin “BP Extended Settings” can do the job, but I can’t seem to find it.

    Any thoughts?



    @djpaul I’ve installed 1.6.4 and the bug still exists. Any idea how to fix it?




    I think I found a work around, thanks to @jigesh.

    I added define( ‘BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG’, true ); to my wp-config and that lets me run the installation wizard.

    Now let’s stop editing! Happy blogging. 😉



    Hi again,

    I installed (but not activated) BP via /wp-admin/network/plugins.php then updated my wp-config.php to define ( ‘BP_ROOT_BLOG’, 2 ); but when I go to and activate BP and click the “Installation Wizard” link in the toolbar, I get this error: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.

    And I am logged in as super admin.



    yes, I figured, but my question is, should I add that to my wp-config.php or to bp-custom.php that I created under wp-content/plugins/?

    The article is not clear as to which one.



    @modemlooper I installed BP (not activated yet) but the article is kinda vague for my next step. The article on step (1) says:

    In order to run Buddypress on a secondary blog, you should create a second blog and modify BuddyPress’ internal settings to set your new blog as the BP root blog.

    Next, define the ‘root’ blog you would like BuddyPress to reside at by adding the code snippet below to wp-config.php

    I created my bp-custom under wp-content/plugins/ but should I add this “define ( ‘BP_ROOT_BLOG’, $blog_id );” in my wp-config.php or in bp-custom.php? or both?

    Please help.



    @modemlooper sorry for being a noob, this is my first attempt to work with WordPress Networks and BP.

    After adding a new subsite (Community), it looks like the new plugins should be installed via /wp-admin/network/plugins.php. I think my next step is installing BP and then activating it on the subsite (only) then follow the BP installation?

    I went commando and am trying this on the live site (under construction enabled), that’s why I want to make sure I am taking my steps wisely.

    Should I still follow this article after installation?




    GROOVY!! It only took 2 minutes to update the wp-config file and .htaccess to make the second website up and running. Now I can install BP on this one without interfering the theme of the main site.


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