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  • @furiouscigars


    @Chris Clayton I think I will leave it just as it is…lol. Thanks again for the help man..really.



    @Chris Thats exactly what it was man. I had the those pages under Activity as their parent. As soon as I changed that everything works perfectly. It amazes me that my brain couldn’t have thought of that. I am very sorry I took my frustration out on you bro. I feel like a real jerk today.

    Thank you very much for the help, that fixed it all.




    I’ve done:

    permalink resave
    uninstall and reinstall
    deactivated plugins
    used buddypress theme
    optimized db
    dropped unneeded tables
    verified rewrite module – verified Options FollowSymLinks and AllowOveride All

    I can’t remember the other things from a few other forum topics, I’m brain damaged by this lol.

    Sorry we got off on the wrong foot, I really do appreciate the help. I would gladly give you admin login if taking a inside look would help.



    @Chris If I could figure this out, I wouldn’t be here. I don’t have the skills to work this out on my own.

    I did not make a “silly” comment, and you saying “not my problem” is hardly helpful, and only proves that my comment was not silly, but true. I don’t mean to give you attitude, you haven’t done anything to me. It just gets really frustrating when everyone asks you the same questions over and over again. I realize that you don’t know that I have been asked to deactivate plugins countless times, and for that I’m sorry.

    I would just say if your going to take your time to try to help someone, having a laugh about their comments is the wrong way to start off.

    Thanks for trying, and have a good night yourself.



    @chris I have already deactivated plugins, used default theme, and gone through countless posts on here trying fixes, including the permalink saving.

    Also referring to your comment on my quote, …thats your problem……that’s precisely the garbage I’ve been seeing here that makes want to get rid of buddypress….I mean did you really need to quote my frustration. Thanks for the very helpful attitude.

    yes I have tried those things…thanks for trying to help



    Not an answer to your question, but when I purchase themes now, if they dont have buddypress integrated into the theme, i dont waste my time looking at them anymore.



    @helmi how would i go about making sure 3 and 4 are done?



    I am too after the fresh install

    …after the fresh install i tried what you said…still 404’s everywhere in buddypress theme too.



    @mercime…done that multiple times, I am now in the process of removing buddypress and doing a fresh install



    I too am having the same issue, getting 404’s on anything member account related, can’t even view the profile page. The only difference is, my site is live and not a fresh install, I have already disabled plugins, and tried the default buddypress theme, and still get the same errors. I have searched online all over and not found a solution. I will gladly provide a login to someone who fixes buddypress.


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