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  • @gearupandplay


    OK, I figured this out, I had to change the URL buddypress profile field to a text field instead of a URL field. It would be ideal to keep it a URL field but it works this way. Anyone know how I would keep it a URL field but fetch plain text for the URL.



    Just tried a html only ad and it also just displays the text code of the ad.



    Any other suggestions? Right now the script actually shows up as text on the blog post with script tags and all that were pulled from the profile field.



    Thanks again Henry, tried what you said like this but couldn’t get it to work.
    <script><?php echo xprofile_get_field_data('AD', get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ); ?></script>

    Do I need to take out the script tags from the profile field. However I notice there are two sets of them. The code on the buddypress profile field form looks like this:

    <script async src="//"></script>
    <ins class="adsbygoogle"
    (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});



    Hi @henrywright, thanks for responding. So, that works in displaying the code but it don’t actually fetch the ad. It just shows the script code. I’m wondering if I can actually make it run the script. It is a Adsense Script.




    Anyone have a clue or something to start with?



    I’m not sure if this will help but today I started getting all 404 errors except on my home page. The blog posts, member pages, forum pages, etc all 404 errors. First I deactivated all my plugins and then checked that, still 404 errors so I reactivated them.

    Then I changed the permalink structure I had set back to default. This fixed it. I then switched the permalink structure back again to my preference and what all my exiting links are (previous setting) and it is now working fine.

    I don’t know why this happen but maybe doing that will help you as well. Good luck



    anyone? Any suggestions?



    I have the same thing happening, they can’t get into the group to read the entire post but if they go to the following tab on their profile they can see the topics started and a brief bit of text.



    Ha? I don’t want to delete the status update because someone replied to it. If you follow my link above to my buddystream profile you will see the reply to the status update is posted in a threaded form underneath the original status update but also as a reply to. It takes up a lot of room just to repeat what has already been said in the threaded discussion below.



    Oh, this is intended, seems redundant to me.



    It’s not just my site, I went to buddystream plugin site just to test it. Check out my profile here
    You will notice that when I replied to a status update I have duplicate activity on my profile.



    @gunju2221 nope, it don’t go away after refresh. It happens only on the person’s activity stream who is replying to a @message. When they reply it appears underneath the original @message and this is fine. When you refresh the page this is when another message appears above the threaded comments. It’s a activity comment in reply to xxxx. Not needed!



    So this is a common problem? Does everyone have this issue or is it a plugin. This is really annoying and cluttering up peoples activity streams.



    nobody else?



    I’m using a theme called buddypress daily that I got from buddydress so yeah, I guess so.



    @nahummadrid thanks much, worked like a charm



    OK, apparently I’m not smart enough to figure out how to truncate it, haha. I didn’t understand the link you gave me at all so I’ve been trying to mess around with a code I found for truncating post titles but I can’t seem to get it to work. Here is what I’m trying to use.

    $short_title = bp_member_profile_data('field=Bio','','',false);
    $short_title = substr($short_title,0,30);
    echo $short_title;

    Any help would be appreciated



    @ nahummadrid This worked for me so thanks, I’m still sorting through it to dig out some stuff I don’t want but it is working and pulling the Bio.

    Thank you both of you. Boone I tried your solution and it didn’t work. I’m not sure why. I tried it two ways, using ‘Bio’ and then ’19’ which was the field Id. For some reason it don’t work with my theme. I am looking over the link you gave me thought to see if I can truncate the data.




    Feature Request: So far plugin runs good on my site but I wold like a option to turn off the share button on my posts. I only want it for the buddypress side as I already have some form of sharing incorporated on my posts and this does not mesh well with my theme. Thanks



    when I log out the cache page shows I’m still logged in and I don’t see the login form, anyway to correct this. Also the forum rss feed and buddypress links feed don’t work for me when minify is activated.



    It seems commentluv works for people not signed in but for members that are signed in it shows the rss feed of the blog latest action. Like some are showing activity updates from my website for that person.



    I don’t know but does this mean your trying to get commentluv to work with buddypress? Any luck, can we look forward to this. Thanks



    me2…any solutions?

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