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  • Hi pcwriter
    Thanks very much it worked a treat exactly how i wanted it.
    Much appreciated.


    Hi pcwriter

    thanks for the reply i will give this ago, thanks for the firefox addon.


    Thanks for your replies, i did try this but couldnt find the problem.

    To solve the problem i copied the twenty ten sidebar.php and put that in to buddypress default theme, then copied the “register” sidebar from the function.php file of twenty ten and added it to the buddypress default theme function file. and hay presto it is working.

    Hope it helps someone else if need.

    I have put a calendar widget in area and it only shows on activity. NOT on any of these Profile, messages, Friends, Achievements along the item navigation??

    nice one thanks for this i have been looking for something like this.

    i had a caching software installed on my server to help with speeding up the site. asked the host to de activate it and that seemed to work!!

    managed to sort it out thanks for all your help.

    Hey Mercime

    Tried as above, it worked when i exported the pages to, but when i imported them back to the page not found error appeared again. We haven’t got any membership plugin or something like User Access Manager (UAM), so i will take ago at the link you supplied.
    Thanks for all your help so far i will owe you a drink when its sorted.

    Hi Mercime

    Here is a copy of our htaccess file. i will try your other suggestions and get back to you.
    `# BEGIN WordPress

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ – [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    # END WordPress`



    ==The weird thing is that links to the BP components pages like forums and groups are working while your regular WP Pages are not working.==

    ==Wait, did you make those Pages > “Private” in Page Write/Edit Panel? That’s one scenario which could cause that behavior.==

    Just checked this all pages are public, very strange don’t get this at all?

    Just tried it in bp-default theme and i get the same outcome, 404 errors on thoses pages until i log in as admin.

    Not sure where the current theme came from it was customized by a previous developer.

    hi mercime

    Dont know if this helps but i got the pages to show in the footer now by creating the custom menu, but the pages still show a 404 error unless i am logged in as admin. are pages hidden or restricted in buddy press until logged in.


    i have just checked and i dont have either of these

    – If you have bp-custom.php in plugins folder rename that to deactivate
    – if you have an mu-plugins folder, rename that to deactivate

    i have the site hosted on a VPS server does this make a difference?

    Hi Mercime

    yes i had an issue with my index.php file which is sorted now and the site is back up, i will have a look and see if i can find the 2 files, i did deactivate all the plugins except buddypress last time. i will try it again.

    would there be any code somewhere to hide pages unless an admin user?

    heres the complete function.php code

    ‘name’ => ‘left sidebar’,
    ‘before_widget’ => ‘

    ‘after_widget’ => ‘

    ‘before_title’ => ‘

    ‘after_title’ => ‘


    //function myavatar_add_default_avatar($url){
    //return get_stylesheet_directory_uri().’/_inc/images/default-avatar.png’;
    //add_filter(‘bp_core_mysteryman_src’, ‘myavatar_add_default_avatar’);

    function my_default_get_group_avatar($avatar){
    global $bp, $groups_template;
    return $avatar;
    $custom_avatar = get_stylesheet_directory_uri().’/_inc/images/default-avatar.png’;
    if($bp->current_action == “”)
    return ‘group->name).'” />’;
    return ‘group->name).'” />’;
    add_action( ‘init’, ‘register_goldbrick_menus’ );

    function register_goldbrick_menus() {
    ‘footer-menu’ => __( ‘Footer Menu’ )

    I did revise the code in the functions.php file with the whole code you posted above.

    Here is my footer.php code.


    i also created a new menu called footer menu and added the links but still not showing.

    I have also deactivated the plugins and redone the permalinks but still page showing 404 error

    Hi Mercime

    I added the extra bit still no joy, just an example of whats happening if you click on the create account button on the home page then you will see a tick box saying agree to our terms there is a link there to that page, if you click that you will get a 404 error, However when i log in as admin that same url will become visible.

    thanks for all your help so far i really appericate this.

    Thanks Mercime

    But they still dont show on the home page, my functions file had a bit more code in it then what was shown above here it is just incase this makes a difference

    ‘name’ => ‘left sidebar’,
    ‘before_widget’ => ‘

    ‘after_widget’ => ‘

    ‘before_title’ => ‘

    ‘after_title’ => ‘


    //function myavatar_add_default_avatar($url){
    //return get_stylesheet_directory_uri().’/_inc/images/default-avatar.png’;
    //add_filter(‘bp_core_mysteryman_src’, ‘myavatar_add_default_avatar’);

    function my_default_get_group_avatar($avatar){
    global $bp, $groups_template;
    return $avatar;
    $custom_avatar = get_stylesheet_directory_uri().’/_inc/images/default-avatar.png’;
    if($bp->current_action == “”)
    return ‘group->name).'” />’;
    return ‘group->name).'” />’;
    add_filter(‘bp_get_group_avatar’, ‘my_default_get_group_avatar’);

    add_action( ‘init’, ‘register_goldbrick_menu’ );

    function register_goldbrick_menu() {
    register_nav_menu( ‘footer-menu’, __( ‘Footer Menu’ ) );

    Hi Mercime

    Dont why that is but here i have put it up on a page of a site i dont use.
    See is this helps.

    it shold be working now sorry

    sorry about this Mercime i think my server is playing up i will look in to it now

    heres a link to a screen shot of me logged in you will see the pages now showing the the footer.

    sorry may have been me try this

    i am using bp-columns theme

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