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  • @goodintoday


    I’ve resolved this myself. My not working code…

    $(‘#whats-new’).focus(function(){ $(‘#whats-new-options’).stop(true); $(‘form#whats-new-form textarea’).unbind(‘focus’); console.log(‘focus’); });
    $(‘#whats-new’).blur(function(){ $(‘#whats-new-options’).stop(true); $(‘form#whats-new-form textarea’).unbind(‘blur’); console.log(‘blur’); });

    (I added the console log to test) I found that, for whatever reason, the first line (focus) was never firing but the second line (blur) works fine. So I modified the code to this…

    $(‘#whats-new’).blur(function(){ $(‘#whats-new-options’).stop(true); $(‘form#whats-new-form textarea’).unbind(‘focus blur’); });

    Works as intended now.



    It’s okay. I looked at your site and sort of answered my question myself. You’re using Gravity Forms, that’s how you’re allowing your users to post via the custom post types. That’s all I wanted to know. Thanks for your help anyway. 🙂



    Activity Updates. You know where they can post updates. You have three, the default, the events, and business. At least according to this code.



    Sorry, got sidetracked… Go me! LoL

    Anyway, the second part of my question was / is in reference too exactly what you just said… You’ve stated that ‘When a post of the types I have specified in my array is created’… My question is in reference to this statement. How are your users, on the Activity Feed, selecting to POST in the specified types? Dropdown? Radio button?

    I’m curious because PHP happens on the Server Side prior to the page being sent to the user, as far as I know, so I’m not sure how your Activity Feed is, after the fact, telling BuddyPress’s Activity Feed that the user has SELECTED to Post an Event or a Business or whatever.



    @ewebber you put this code into what? bp-custom.php? and how are you posting with the custom post types? I mean how are they implemented when a user submits a post to your activity feed?



    As a last ditch effort to determine the problem I left all of my plugins and scripts in place, switched the theme I’m using to the default BuddyPress theme, and behold it works! So I now have a post on the Aquoid Forums to see why Suffusion is stopping autocomplete from functioning. I would still welcome any answers here, if you have any ideas… But the problem does appear to be with the Suffusion Theme.



    I’ve come up with this line of code…

    / *<?php is_user_logged_in() ? _e( 'You cannot reply to this topic.', 'bbpress' ) : _e( 'Want to join the conversation? Join or ‘.__(‘Login’, ‘suffusion’).’‘ ); ?> */

    And it works… When you’re on the login screen UP UNTIL YOU PRESS SUBMIT the redirect shows correctly in the URL. WHEN YOU PRESS SUBMIT to actually login the system then redirects your redirect to PROFILE.PHP and I’m so far unable to locate which file this secondary redirect is bothering me from. I’ve butchered wp-login.php and the system doesn’t even seem to care. I think I could erase the file entirely and the system wouldn’t care.

    What file is BuddyPress using to control User Login’s, if it’s not using WP-LOGIN.PHP? I’ve been unable to locate that too. I figure my secondary redirect headache MUST be in that file somewhere.

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