4 years, 1 month ago
Hi, we are running into issue that might related to what you solved.
When using the default function of buddypress to message another user: messages_new_message()
Instead of getting the thread ID, we are getting a False.
How can we get the thread ID? Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.
4 years, 11 months ago
It is actually very simple.
Whitelist your activation page in the firewall, so the firewall does not block it.
We solved the problem.
Sucuri firewall need to add a bypass URL rule when this is set up. All good now.
WPMU team solved the issue by putting in the following code: add_filter( ‘bp_core_avatar_original_max_filesize’, function() { return 5120000; // 5mb } )
5 years ago
This appear to be a bug of the latest BuddyPress.
We reverted the BuddyPress back to v 5.0.0 from v 5.1.2, now updating member roles work fine now:
Hi, thank you for the reply. Yes. this is with Nouveau.
We are testing the issue. We could not seem to remove this error even though all plugins are disabled.
9 years, 5 months ago
I found the issue.