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  • @havealookhere


    yes, its working with 2.7.

    what you do is using wp roll back plugin. install and activate it. Go to plugins and scroll to the bp activity plugin. You can click roll back or something there. Then click 2.7 and install and activate.

    Then go to general settings of bp activity and first press submit/save. Then the error is gone and it will work.

    I did write a lot of emails before the developer admitted it was a bug 🙂 but i did not get answer also about when next version is ready. On my website it works with the newest wordpress and buddypress.

    good luck



    sorry for any bad english, and sorry that there is a bug in wbcom buddypress activities.




    The php code did work. The data what was filtered was not visible anymore in the activity streams. I only had problems with removing creating docs from the drop down menu.

    I see you have different key words to exclude. You can make a mysql dump of the bp activities table (export) and open it in notepad ++. There you can find the right names of your activities.

    You can also download wbcom Buddypress activityfilter. It works nice and smooth. However there is a bug in version 2.8. So you have to wait till version 2.9 or install 2.8 and roll back to 2.7 . You can use plugin wp roll back for that.

    Finally i used the activity plugin of wbcom, used the roll back plugin to version 2.7 and everthing is working fine.



    You have to search for the table where the friendships are stored.

    Then you need to set a CRON job to automaticly flush the table with the connections

    You can set a time interval of 30 days.

    online cronjob site

    This would be my approach. I cannot give you an advice what table you need.. and also not how you can write the right code.. but i think you are pointed in the right direction.




    OW WOW, this is a very old forum post.. but thank you!!!! the .hidden was the problem



    I am not sure because i dont know how your website is builded.

    But the width of the sidebar can be achieved to use the #secondary in the css.

    .pageid(test) #primary {
    Float: left;}
    .pageid(test) #secondary {
    width: 20%;
    float: Right;

    or something like this i would try!

    Good luck



    Because a lot of people search for this i post my sollution here.

    To have some pages of buddypress with a sidebar and some not you can do this! copy page.php into a new file and call it buddypress.php. Then upload it to your childtheme folder.

    Then where the sidebar is called change the get_sidebar() into:

        if ( is_page( array( 'spreekkamers', 'forums', 'activiteiten', '0' ) ) ) :

    In this array you can write the names of the pages you want to have a sidebar shown.

    For the my profile page I used page id 0 because that was the only possibility to get the sidebar on the profile page. This is because its connected to the members page. I did not want a sidebar on the memberspage.

    Then a little of css will make the site look good again.

    In my case it was this css, because it was only about one page: div#primary {
        max-width: 100% !important;
        width: 100% !important;

    Thank you vapvarun for pointing me to the right way!!



    ok, is there an example somewhere about the conditional wrapping???

    And, I place the buddypress.php straight into my childtheme or in childtheme/buddypress/

    thanks for this reply

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