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  • @hempsworth


    I’d like to do exactly the same thing… haven’t had any luck yet though




    Thanks for pointing that out, has been fixed in 0.0.8-dev


    That’s a great idea, I’ll certainly start work on that soon!



    @paulhastings0, @Anointed, @Rbl

    Thanks for letting me know about the bugs, 0.0.7 fixes the ‘You do not have permission to do that.’ error you have been experiencing.


    0.0.7 also fixes the issue of display options not being saved. However, it doesn’t address your other issues:

    * “%user% likes an activity” type updates will not be translated into the custom version, as these have been saved to the main BuddyPress Activities table of the database *prior to the custom messages*. So I think the ‘untranslated’ activities you are seeing were made before you upgraded? That’s why they appear to be untranslated after you hit the ‘View more’ button.

    * I cannot confirm the bug you noticed about ‘View more’ button not working; but I’ll do a bit of testing to find out!

    * The ‘View likes’ button currently doesn’t appear on ‘mini’ activities, this is intentional due to styling problems, however that will be fixed in a later version.


    The custom messages are not intended to be translations as such, but to allow site admins to change ‘like’ to ‘love’ or similar. This is just to allow flexibility. Localization comes from the defaults being provided in the desired language.



    Okay, that was an embarrasing release! But thanks for your patience guys, sorry for the mess up!

    BuddyPress Like 0.0.7 is now available.

    * Fixes a couple of major bugs

    * Bug fixed: Posts, drafts etc would not be saved, giving error “You do not have permission to do that.”

    * Bug fixed: Could not save ‘Likers Visibility’ options from the BuddyPress Like settings screen



    Yep sorry about that, I caught the bug as soon as I tagged the release. I’ve updated 0.0.6, so you can safely upgrade :)



    BuddyPress Like 0.0.6 is now available

    * Full translation support for default messages

    * Custom messages, editable from the admin panel. Upgrade now!

    If you’d like to help with the translation effort, visit my translations page, or let me know if your language isn’t listed.




    Which language are you able to translate into? :)



    @disbas and @Michael Berra

    I have a combination of both coming up later this evening. All of the text strings are editable from the admin panel, however the defaults and other text will be localized so it ‘just works’ out of the box. I see modifying the wording as a more advanced option, but I can definitely see the importance of having it there.



    Full translation support is coming in 0.0.6, if you are interested in translating the plugin into your language please let me know and I can create the translation set over on my GlotPress install which will allow you to easily translate the strings.



    Version 0.0.5 is now available.

    * Fixes a bug when a user tries to view likes when they have no friends.

    * Inserts the ‘View likes’ button if the user is the first to like an item.



    @disbas and @Michael Berra

    The next release will include the ability to have custom messages and will have full localization support. How comprehensive do you want the custom messages to be?

    For example, do you want to be able to change the wording of messages like this: “You are the only person who likes this so far.” or do you just want to be able to change “like” to “love”, “dig” etc?



    Version 0.0.4 is now available.

    It allows you to choose the visibility of ‘likers’ when ‘View likes’ is clicked. Adds an options screen to the admin panel under ‘BuddyPress -> BuddyPress Like’.



    Although I’d love to support previous versions of BuddyPress, I simply don’t have the time to test against them. I’ll make sure it works great with 1.2 and above though.

    @dwpers If you’re using the old default theme, maybe consider upgrading to 1.2 and using the Backwards Compatibility Plugin? There’s plenty of people on the forums who can help if you find the upgrade tricky…



    Notifications has been a bit of a pain, so that will come in later… sorry

    Currently working on adding visibility options as @Rbl suggested, as well as options for the number of likers to display from the settings screen as @xp02ed added.

    @21cdb I love the idea of having a page to show the most popular content, this will be a bigger job but I’m definitely including it! I will also include a widget to show similar data.



    I’m thinking about only showing the names of other friends who have liked it, and saying “and 3 others” for the remaining likers.. Thoughts?

    Also, I’m working on notifications at the moment; are there any other feature requests from you guys?



    I’m thinking about only showing the names of other friends who have liked it, and saying “and 3 others” for the remaining likers.. Thoughts?

    Also, I’m working on notifications at the moment; are there any other feature requests from you guys?



    @xp02ed: Yep, I’ve had this thought too and I’m working on improving the list of likers..



    Plugin’s been updated to fix all known bugs, now at 0.0.3.

    Download or update to the latest version.



    The plugin is now hosted over on the plugins directory, please remove any data the plugin may have saved in ‘wp_bp_activity_meta’ or ‘wp_usermeta’ before installing. You won’t have to do this again, as I have DB upgrade methods in place.

    I’ll be able to push updates to y’all using the Plugin Installer now, or if you’re feeling adventurous checkout the SVN repo into your plugins directory and run off trunk.

    Enjoy :)



    Unfortunately you will have to delete the old data from wp_bp_activity_meta and wp_usermeta before installing the new version. Sorry guys, it’s so new I don’t have an upgrade routine!

    You can do this using phpMyAdmin or similar.

    Grab the new version here:



    I’ve just put out a new version which allows you to view who else has liked it.

    @modemlooper: I will be building in notifications next, but it looks like I have to make the plugin a full blown component to leverage the notifications functionality… :S



    BuddyPress Like beta has now been released! Check it out…



    For now I’m including ‘wp-load.php’ if the plugin gets requested by Ajax, and things are working fine.



    For now I’m including ‘wp-load.php’ if the plugin gets requested by Ajax, and things are working fine.



    Yes, the plugins using Ajax.. Is there any fix to get it working in an Ajax environment?

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