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  • hloti posted a new activity comment 13 years, 11 months ago

    Hi again
    it took me some time to get back to my css work again πŸ™‚
    could you please tell me which are these “The CSS for the widget columns” my problem is that i don’t have any way to compare what is missing. i appreciate if you tell me where these tags are so i could add then the rtl.css

    sorry for the trouble.


  • hloti posted a new activity comment 14 years ago

    hi thanks for the response. can you be more specific? is it enough just to copy the file and paste it in the widget template folder or do you mean some thing else. i am afraid i did not understand the process. can you explain please?

    • The CSS for the widget columns is not included in rtl.css. You will have to add that yourself.

      • Hi again
        it took me some time to get back to my css work again πŸ™‚
        could you please tell me which are these “The CSS for the widget columns” my problem is that i don’t have any way to compare what is missing. i appreciate if you tell me where these tags are so i could add then the rtl.css

        sorry for the trouble.


  • hloti posted an update 14 years ago

    @modemlooper hi. had a look at the BuddyPress Widget Theme 1.2.7 which works great and a pretty good idea. It works on my LTR site but not RTL site. You know that byddypress default theme is compatible with RTL aspects as well. but when i activate the widget theme on RTL site. it does not work correctly (only the CSS aspects of it). is there any…[Read more]

    • The RTL styles for the widget template would need to be added to rtl.css file. If you copy the rtl.css file from bp-default in the BuddyPress plugin folder and add it to widget theme you can add the styles to float things to the right.

      • hi thanks for the response. can you be more specific? is it enough just to copy the file and paste it in the widget template folder or do you mean some thing else. i am afraid i did not understand the process. can you explain please?

        • The CSS for the widget columns is not included in rtl.css. You will have to add that yourself.

          • Hi again
            it took me some time to get back to my css work again πŸ™‚
            could you please tell me which are these “The CSS for the widget columns” my problem is that i don’t have any way to compare what is missing. i appreciate if you tell me where these tags are so i could add then the rtl.css

            sorry for the trouble.


  • hi i have just checked your website. it looks fine in IE8 but the menus are totally not looking good at all in IE7. i have read many places that buddypress support for IE7 is not there at all. the only thing you actually can do is to do some hacks for IE7 this is […]

  • hloti posted an update 14 years ago

    @gunju2221 Hi again. i am interested in a cool buddypress theme which is also compatible with rtl language. the default template has problems with IE 7 and at the same time i need to have a kind of different first page that the default theme provides can you recommend some really cool template? the ones available are not really nice. i need some…[Read more]

  • Hi every one. on my site when the activation email is sent and the user clicks on the activation key, the page comes with this error: Warning: require_once(/home/gaagooco/public_html/wp-includesregistration.php) : failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/gaagooco/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-signup.php…[Read more]

  • @virtuali hi you are my hero. thank you so much for your help. yes it was correct. it seems the installation was broke. actually it was not my fault as it was the host that installed every thing. any ways what i did was uninstall 1.2.7 version of buddypress and installed the 1.2.8 version and […]

  • hloti posted a new activity comment 14 years ago

    Hi done as you suggested. created a ticket under
    “Buddypress activation error message in the group How-To and Troubleshooting” πŸ™‚

    hope you ca help me. thanks

  • hloti posted a new activity comment 14 years ago

    Hi thanks for your response. i am using version 1.2.7. the latest version is 1.2.8 are you sure this will solve my problem? can you please elaborate what the problem is? thanks so much

    • Create a support topic on this. I will help you more on there, It’s better to create a topic for others with this problem πŸ™‚

      • Hi done as you suggested. created a ticket under
        “Buddypress activation error message in the group How-To and Troubleshooting” πŸ™‚

        hope you ca help me. thanks

  • hloti posted an update 14 years ago

    @DJPaul hi Paul
    on my site when the activation email is sent and the user clicks on the activation key, the page comes with this error:

    Warning: require_once(/home/gaagooco/public_html/wp-includesregistration.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in…[Read more]

    • upgrade to the latest version of buddypress

      • Hi thanks for your response. i am using version 1.2.7. the latest version is 1.2.8 are you sure this will solve my problem? can you please elaborate what the problem is? thanks so much

        • Create a support topic on this. I will help you more on there, It’s better to create a topic for others with this problem πŸ™‚

          • Hi done as you suggested. created a ticket under
            “Buddypress activation error message in the group How-To and Troubleshooting” πŸ™‚

            hope you ca help me. thanks

  • hloti posted a new activity comment 14 years, 1 month ago

    Thank you so much for your kind response. I investigated this issue a lot in order to go to the depth of the problem with buddy press installed on such configuration like mine. at the end i found a solution that solved the above specific problem (the issue that every thing worked except the sign up page). Perhaps you would like to have a look at…[Read more]

  • hloti posted an update 14 years, 1 month ago

    @whyameye Thanks champ for this nice documentation you did for solving the BP problem with URLs etc at this link

    You simply made my day. Thank you so much man.

  • hloti posted an update 14 years, 1 month ago

    Solve problems with buddy press links not working in IIS and other Web servers. If every thing is Word press works but your buddy press plugin does not work, then go to this webpage and see the step by step instructions.

    Its is incredible that people in this forum or community or what ever you want to call…[Read more]

  • hloti posted an update 14 years, 1 month ago

    @windhamdavid Hi i have asked this question many places with no luck. You could be my last hope. I appreciate if you can help me.

    I have installed wordpress 3.0.4 and buddypress1.2.7 on IIS 6 windows server 2003 with php 5 installed and have done some tune ups for the rewriting issue on IIS 6.0. every thing seems to work except the sign up…[Read more]

  • hloti posted an update 14 years, 1 month ago

    @DJPaul Hi i have asked this question many places with no luck. You could be my last hope. I appreciate if you can help me.

    I have installed wordpress 3.0.4 and buddypress1.2.7 on IIS 6 windows server 2003 with php 5 installed and have done some tune ups for the rewriting issue on IIS 6.0. every thing seems to work except the sign up function.…[Read more]

    • I don’t know. I believe newer version of IIS support URL in a different manner. As you’ve discovered the index.php “almost pretty permalinks” doesn’t work with BuddyPress at the moment.

  • hloti posted an update 14 years, 1 month ago

    @ketan10 Hi @ketan10 i have exactly the same problem you have with the sign up page. did you solve your problem? it is so difficult to get help here. i guess you are my last resort.

    here are some details:

    I have installed wordpress 3.0.4 and buddypress1.2.7 on IIS 6 windows server 2003 with php 5 installed and have done some tune ups for the…[Read more]

  • hloti posted an update 14 years, 1 month ago

    @Bowromir Hi Bowe
    I have a question which i hope you can answer. I have installed wordpress 3.0.4 and buddypress1.2.7 on IIS 6 windows server 2003 with php 5 installed. every thing seems to work except the sign up function. you can have a look at

    the thing is that i have found out that if i add the index.php to the url, this is to…[Read more]

  • hloti posted an update 14 years, 1 month ago

    @pisanojm Hi i was wondering if you found a solution for the sign up function not working at all under buddy press. I have made a community working with wordpress 3.0-4 and buddypress 1.2.7 and it is all running on windows server 2003, iis 6 with php 5. every thing seems to work except the sign up function. when i try to sign up,…[Read more]

    • It is likely the ongoing mail issue with validation… We’ve removed the e-mail validation on BuddyPress and have substituted a number of anti-bot checks, humanity plugin, bad behavior, si-captcha, etc…

      • Thank you so much for your kind response. I investigated this issue a lot in order to go to the depth of the problem with buddy press installed on such configuration like mine. at the end i found a solution that solved the above specific problem (the issue that every thing worked except the sign up page). Perhaps you would like to have a look at…[Read more]

  • hloti posted an update 14 years, 1 month ago

    @justinca hi. did you ever get your problem with sign up function of buddy press solved? I have create a community as well and every thing works except sign up. when i fill the form, and click on the button, it just refreshes the page. just was wondering if you know a solution. the forum seems to be useless.

    thanks, Hloti

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