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  • @honoluluman


    @adjunkten You can use the below:

    function profile_field_update( $user_id, $posted_field_ids, $errors, $old_values, $new_values ) {
    if ($old_values[4]['value'] !== $new_values[4]['value']) {
         $message = sprintf( 'The user: <strong>%1$s</strong> changed his profile field with ID number 4' , bp_core_get_user_displayname( $user_id ) ) . "<br><br>"; 
         wp_mail( $admin_email, $title, $message );
    add_action( 'xprofile_updated_profile', 'profile_field_update', 10, 5 ); 

    This is just an example how the admin can be notified via email when the user change a specific profile field of him. In the example the profile field has ID with number 4.



    Thank for your reply @takashimatsuyama.

    I have tried 2 alternatives to solve the problem but without success.

    1. I’ve tried to override the language files according to this (2. How to use custom language files) so that i can set my own english traslantion for the components slug . But for some reason the po/mo doesn’t override.

    2. I’ve tried to use the filter bp_get_members_invitations_slug in but again without success.

    At the moment i just translated the po/mo manually to make to component work.



    By something like this i have managed to set a default text-value when the field is empty after saving.

    function default_value ( $user_id ) {
        $default_text = xprofile_get_field_data( 4, $user_id );
        if (empty($default_text)) {
            xprofile_set_field_data( 4, $user_id, "Apparently, this user prefers to keep an air of mystery about them.");
    add_action( 'xprofile_updated_profile', 'default_value');

    Which is good.

    But i need also to have the field set with the default value from the very start when the field is being created for the user.So i guess i would need to use some othen action or hook for that?

    Any help would be appreciated.



    hello @shanebp and thank you for your support 🙂

    I just tested on my site and if i echo

    $user_info = get_userdata( 40 );
    echo '<strong>' . $user_info->last_activity . '</strong>';

    i get the last activity normal. I also checked in the db in the usermeta table and i found the meta_key with last_activity . Am i missing something?



    @canvasstudio i have the same problem. Could you provide me with your solution?



    Hello @shanebp , needed to inform you that i get an error with WordPress debug about the code above.

    Trying to get property 'roles' of non-object in line $displayed_user_roles = $displayed_user->roles; i dont know why.



    @msteimann if you still need this just tell me i can help you.



    So i managed to solve this problem with some CSS, unfortunately there is no possibility to wrap with any html element around (%s) , BUT there is possibility to wrap with html the rest. So i did this

    printf( '<span id="keep"><span id="%s" href="#"></span><img src="%s" style="width: 15px"> &nbsp; %s</span> (%s)' . "\n",

    with out removing nothing from the original code, just adding the span ‘keep’ and then with the classic css visibility:hidden; trick i managed to hide it simple.



    @clickallco thanks for the reply. Unfortunatelly in legacy it is like that `<li class=”ac_event ac_over”><span id=”link-username” href=”#”></span>
    <img src=”; style=”width: 15px”>   User (<strong>U</strong>sername)</li>`

    and there is no element to hide the (<strong>U</strong>sername)



    Hello, did you manage to find solution to this issue?



    Hello, did you manage to find solution to this issue?



    So i managed to find the appropriate code in case someone also needs it:

    define( 'BP_MESSAGES_AUTOCOMPLETE_ALL', true );
     * Filter and remove subscribers and user's own mail from all BuddyPress auto complete box.
     * @param array $args BP_User_Query args.
     * @return array
    function buddydev_filter_buddypress_auto_complete_ids( $args ) {
    	$user_ids = isset( $args['exclude'] ) ? $args['exclude'] : array();
    	if ( $user_ids && ! is_array( $user_ids ) ) {
    		$user_ids = wp_parse_id_list( $user_ids );
    	$excluded = get_users( array( 'role' => 'subscriber', 'fields' => 'ID' ) );
    	if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
    		array_push( $excluded, get_current_user_id() );
    	$args['exclude'] = array_merge( $excluded, $user_ids );
    	return $args;
    add_filter( 'bp_members_suggestions_query_args', 'buddydev_filter_buddypress_auto_complete_ids' );

    with this i can have excluded from autocomplete all subscribes by hooking to bp_members_suggestions_query_args



    hello @andrewteg, i am trying to do the same. Did you figure it out?



    I was also thinking that i could skip the use of define( 'BP_MESSAGES_AUTOCOMPLETE_ALL', true ); and since i just want to have in the autocomplete contributors+admins

    it could be a function that makes all of those users friends with out the need of bp friends component?



    Or maybe the opposite, just dont allow Subscribers in the result.



    Yes @shanebp, this works perfect. Thank you again for your help



    Hello @shanebp,

    Thank you so much for your help 🙂
    I have tried your code (and also changed you last return button; with return $button; ), but it doesn’t work.

    If i login as subscriber all msg buttons are removed from all users profiles, which is correct.
    If i login as contributor i can see msg buttons on contributors and admins profiles , but also on subscribers profiles, which i would like not to.

    *Lets assume that contributors and admins have ID 23, 6, 25 .
    I tried many variations with your code but no luck.

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