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  • @hotforwords


    Oh, thanks @djpaul! I just wanted to help people in the mean time.. if you need my help testing anything out, hit me up!




    I have w3-total-cache running on my site with Minify, Database Cache, CDN (Amazon S3) and Browser cache. @Pisanojm, how did you get w3-total-cache to handle Avatar uploads? It breaks them for me as people try to upload their pic but then the CDN on w3 total cache breaks the ability to edit the image (it looks for the image on the CDN, not locally).

    It looks like I might have to disable the whole avatar folder, which sucks! Unless you figured it out?

    Also, @r-a-y how do I check to see if this problem is still happening with the version of w3 total cache that I am running?





    I used the word “even” because I was surprised that I was able to come up with some solutions involving PHP and some technology completely unrelated to what I do career wise. “Even” I was a bit taken aback by that :-)



    And, don’t be so shallow. I’m an accomplished author, published through Harper Collins, my educational show has been watched over 329 million times, and I’m a regular on a few television news shows. Just because I use a certain technique to get people’s initial attention doesn’t mean I am “stupid.” Try to be a little less condescending please.


    Participant, r-a-y and I have had numerous conversations where I even discovered a few bugs in buddypress and I even came up with couple solutions. The fact that he saw me on Carson Daly was coincidental and something rather exciting even for me. Be nice!



    Thanks r-a-y! That fixed it! Should I report the bug? Or will you do that? Carson Daly was fun! :-)



    It looks like they fixed it in the ticket! Yeah! Thanks guys! I copied the fix over to my website!




    Tim Nicholson, I don’t understand why the two lines you list are exactly the same.. you say to:
    //if ( ( $bp_uri[0] == BP_MEMBERS_SLUG && !empty( $bp_uri[1] ) ) || in_array( 'wp-load.php', $bp_uri ) ) {
    if ( ( $bp_uri[0] == BP_MEMBERS_SLUG && !empty( $bp_uri[1] ) ) || in_array( 'wp-load.php', $bp_uri ) ) { //ADD

    Yet the two lines are exactly the same! Am I missing something?



    Thanks for the post here, I just noticed this “bug” as well!



    I have BuddyPress installed with WordPress Single User with the BuddyPress plugin and I didn’t see the Create A Group button either.. so I Turned OFF: Let Users Create and Join Groups and TURNED IT BACK ON.. and the button now shows!

    Also.. the place where you see the button is: yourwebsite dot com/groups/

    You will need to create a link to that “Groups” page as it doesn’t appear in the Admin Bar normally.



    I revised the ticket with my suggested fix :-)

    Thanks Jeff so much!



    I fixed my code above to an easier fix.

    The Blog link is not supposed to go the the comment.. but rather the Blog post. I believe. Otherwise, why do you have the View link as well. So instead of fixing the Blog link to also go to the comment, which is what you just did.. I made the Blog link go to the actual Blog NOT the comment.

    I think that that is the way it is supposed to work, if I am not mistaken.

    Let me see if I can revise the ticket.



    I figured out the proper fix, because the first link, the name of the Blog Title is supposed to take you to the blog not the comment.. the later link called View takes you to the Comment.

    The stream looks like this:

    HotForWords commented on the blog post W, why double U? 18 seconds ago · View · Delete

    We want to fix the BLOG POST TITLE LINK without breaking the VIEW link.

    So I fixed it this way:

    On Line 429
    Take this code:
    . $comment_link . '#comment-' . $comment->comment_ID .

    and change it to:

    . get_permalink( $comment->comment_post_ID ) .



    That fix I did actually didn’t work.. I need to look some more.. I realized that the Blog link is supposed go to the actual blog post.. the View link is supposed to go to the actual comment.. so I need to remove the whole Comment ID from the Blog link. Let me look some more!

    Oh.. here is the link to the Ticket:



    Thanks everyone for the responses! Now I have a better understanding of how the different components work together!

    In order to keep the stickiness of people coming back to my website when someone replies to a comment of theirs on the WordPress Post side.. I reactivated my Comment Reply Notification plugin for WordPress so now people get notified by the BuddyPress stuff as well as the WordPress Stuff!!

    Just as a side note, my website has over 168,000 comments on it and I attribute that to my use of the comment reply notification plugin that I’ve used for the past couple years. Glad to see that BuddyPress has those notifications built in!

    I’ll most likely add the Forum Reply Plugin that you mention r-a-y as well. Thanks for the useful post! And thank you all for your help!

    Next up.. getting my BBpress skinned to look like my site and getting that darned BuddyBar to work :-)



    Boone, that answers my question I believe.. BuddyPress will NOT email you if someone posts a comment reply on the WORDPRESS side.

    Then why is the option on BuddyPress called “A member replies to an update or <b>comment</b> you’ve posted”?

    Are the “comments” in BuddyPress somewhere? Are those posts in the Forum considered “comments”?

    Thanks Boone!

    D Cartwright, how is my show considered NSFW? I have over 300 million views on YouTube and they wouldn’t allow my show if it was not safe for work!

    Thanks glamgrif! As Boone said above, I think the WordPress side comments don’t get email notifications from BuddyPress.. or is that not correct?



    The link above seems to come from sub-media-core.php line 651…

    $primary_link = bp_core_get_user_domain($pic_data->owner_id) . $bp->bpa->slug . '/'.$bp->bpa->media->single_slug.'/'.$pic_data->id . '/';

    I tried changing the info but to no avail.

    I tried copying in the code from sub-media-templatetags..php for bp_album_picture_url() line 240

    bp_core_get_user_domain($pictures_template->picture->owner_id) .

    $bp->bpa->slug .'/'. $bp->bpa->meta->home_slug .'/'. $album_id .'/'. $bp->bpa->media->single_slug .'/'. $pictures_template->picture->id . $size

    But it didn’t work.



    You have the images link to the wrong URL from the activity stream.. they go to:

    Instead of

    I’ll go in and see if I can fix it myself.




    I LOVE this plugin but I have to deactivate it because I cannot limit the size of the embedded YouTube videos without changing my defaults for my entire website.

    I embed YouTube videos as my main posts and they are 620px wide (as set by Media Embed Setting in WordPress).. I can’t let people embed 620px wide Youtube videos in the activity stream as that is too big. If I decrease the Media Embed setting in WordPress, it decreases the size of my videos in my Posts.. which is not good.

    I noticed some code in your config.php at the bottom that says:


    allows you to hardcode certain WordPress-only variables”

    How can I hard-code these variables? Would this be how I could make the embeds smaller for the activity stream vs. the site defaults?

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