Forum Replies Created
1. The right answer will be – no! Because in 1.0 version I cannot delegate the administrator to other member of group. Or appoint many admins.
3. Thank you, with diggings in source-code this is possible.
4. The right answer will be – no!
Forgive if I am too importunate. But these possibilities are necessary for use BP with mine community, which now work on phpbb3 engine.
And where it is possible to leave the demand for implementation of these possibilities in the nearest versions? It seems to me that they are very important things.
1. Where I can do this? I go to Some Group->Admin->Manage Members. I see only ” Promote to Moderator” and “Demote to Member” options. Moderator != Administrator.
3. But I want allow group creation for some power users, how?
4. But for private groups – “Group content and activity will only be visible to members of the group.” I don’t want this.
I want “Group content and activity will be visible to any site member.”+”Only users who request membership and are accepted can join the group.”
Can I do this?
> This is not a BuddyPress issue.
Usual excuse of all programmers. It not the software problem, is a problem of the software user
Do not take offence, it is humour. But the realistic humour.
Sorry, Socialpreneur, but I CAN\’T do this
It is my blot.
It is any children\\\’s bug, I was registered on this site. But registration has thrown out me on a wordpress site. Whether it is necessary to post it in bugtrack?
I am understand all this. But the answer will be short – is not present? It is a pity that I cannot make a forum similar to a forum of this site.
I now try to understand, can I do migration from phpbb3 community on buddypress engine. While the answer one – I can not.
But the project very interesting. It is more than possibilities on moderation and to improve integration with popular forums…
So, themes by default for bbpress are not present till now?