@ChrisClayton replied to the topic WP Symposium Vs BuddyPress in the forum Ideas 12 years ago
@indirakrishna – Chat is a huge area, and there are all kinds of solutions (some better than others) 🙂
It depends on how you need the chat plugin to function, […]
@mercime replied to the topic WP Symposium Vs BuddyPress in the forum Ideas 12 years ago
how to migrate total content from buddypress to wps with out disturbance to users and members of the website
@indirakrishna if that is your goal, then the best place to ask at their forums re migration tools, […]
@mercime replied to the topic BuddyPress Alternative WP Symposium in the forum Miscellaneous 12 years ago
@indirakrishna this thread is two years old. Please continue your post at https://buddypress.org/support/topic/wp-symposium-vs-buddypress/
Closing this topic.
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